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Nah, stuff like that came out of Industrial, my people.


EDM in my opinion is "Entitled Dance Music" - that whole new generation that can't do drugs responsibly. The social media generation. They were never there when electronic music was new and experimental - everything is autotune and presets now. 


I thought the E was for "electronic." I gotcha now.


Autotune is evil. It makes people who can't sing/can barely sing sound good, and people who can sing sound like they can't. I know people give Maroon 5 a lot of crap (and I'm not a fan of their music) but Adam Levine has some serious vocal chops. This clip is proof: http://www.nbc.com/the-tonight-show/video/wheel-of-musical-impressions-with-adam-levine/2809456


Yet people think he can't sing because so much of their stuff uses autotune and that synth vocal crap. Autotune was supposed to be for situations where everything but one note was off as a time-saver. It wasn't intended to purify vocals to the point that you can't tell humans and synth vocals apart.

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Benshin wants to invite the Wyrd staff to StoogeCon, guys. I think we should put that to a vote...


Somehow I see that winding up like two rival summer camps playing pranks all weekend...


I can already see the headlines "Summer camp of miniature gamers resulted in a disaster unknown of"

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Two reasons I hate the LGS by my office:


1. No Malifaux ever - special order only


2. They close at 6 pm. WHO CLOSES IN MANHATTAN AT 6 PM?!


Now I has no blue wash for Hannah *cry*


Lemme guess, nothing but Magic, the kiddie CCGs, 40k, and Warmachine, right?

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While reading up on some reviews from first-time Kings of War players I inevitably stumbled into some more of the Age of Sigmar hate and counter-hate for the haters. I'm taking away a few things:


1) AoS is fine for pushing toy soldiers around, rolling dice, and counting bodies, but there's not much beyond "kill more of them than they kill of you" or "table your opponent" at this point. Maybe that will improve over time as they release new scenarios (though if they aren't selling rulebooks at all, where's the incentive? Why not just go back to the old school and put the stuff in White Dwarf plus online?).

2) I still think Wrath of Kings does it better- it also plays fast with simple rules, yet there is plenty of strategy involved and they even managed to work asymmetrical goals into the mix (Malifaux is the only other game I know that does it well). The fluff is good, too. Each faction has some shades of grey- some heroic, some harsh but pragmatic, and some brutally evil.

3) There are multiple alternatives for people who still want block movement based fantasy combat. Kings of War is only one of many.

4) AoS was a deliberate strategy to both make more money by drawing in newer, younger, and more budget-minded gamers and to drive off the neckbeards who were dragging them down in one fell swoop.

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