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What are you trying to calculate?


The probability of doublets in different dice pool sizes comprised of different dice.


Not played enough warhammer? :P


Doublets on d3, d4 and d5 don't matter much in Warhammer.


I also just laughed about this:



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Enraged Abs in 3... 2... 1....


In general, I agree with her... but it was still funny.




I disagree with you there. Artists should totally voice their opinions. We can't leave politics and social questions to lawyers and economists.


Artists' opinions on capitalist questions, though....

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I am calm.....very calm.


I will turn the other cheek to the dissing taylor comments..i can't be arsed to find a witty gif.


@ Deluge....no I am not bald...why do you ask?  or shouldn't I ask that?!


And another Dwarf player!  A drink to you!

Wrexham is the Baldest place in the UK you know? Yes Strollaz List for the win (and the lols)

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Wrexham is the baldest place?  Lol....


they must all stay inside then... 


Quick look out of my window at about twenty men walking past,  two were bald.




I have to comment on the Taylor swift Art Gif...they have literally picked the final choruses to show the lyrics..  There are about three verses full before that which are actually quite good..taylor having a go at those who bitch about her!


Looking at you lot  ;)

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I have to comment on the Taylor swift Art Gif...they have literally picked the final choruses to show the lyrics..  There are about three verses full before that which are actually quite good..taylor having a go at those who bitch about her!


Looking at you lot  ;)


She's just a dumb ass loud mouthed pop star, literally NOTHING special about that woman.


*Looks at Vic's Relic Hammer* 


If you could do the honours Vic I'd appreciate it :D


*Rant Mode OFF*

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