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As for my worldbuilding stuff, I had thought of the following. 


First, there was a water-based word, with an aztec like civilization, which was backed by blood-magic using mage-priests. Eventually, they tried a world-shaking spell to summon the gods to the world, which broke the civilization and dried the lands out, turning most of the world into desert. 


In the desert-world, most civilization is nomadic based around several oasis and scraps of the former civilization to conjure rain.


bit rough, but general idea.


Why Aztec like? Want to search for ruins that look like that? It's fitting: Tenochtitlan was on top of a lake.


The Aztecs' rites served to keep the gods strong so they could do their thing. Summoning them would be pretty pointless. Why not have them give the gods the ability to feast of the world to keep themselves sated? Which worked.... but the gods proved to be pretty hungry, with the result you described. Basically good intentions turned ugly: great stories.

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What kind of cultures would you expect in a desert world?


Fantasy? Generally reptiles, insects and creatures with large ears. Cultures would probably wear a lot of cloth. There is a great image of scarab riders in DSA:



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Why Aztec like? Want to search for ruins that look like that? It's fitting: Tenochtitlan was on top of a lake.


The Aztecs' rites served to keep the gods strong so they could do their thing. Summoning them would be pretty pointless. Why not have them give the gods the ability to feast of the world to keep themselves sated? Which worked.... but the gods proved to be pretty hungry, with the result you described. Basically good intentions turned ugly: great stories.


That could work..


In any case, ritual was something that proved to work a bit too well :)



Nomad factions that fight and quarrel over natural resources such as water and herd animals



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I'd say you'd also have a breakdown on lines of technology and progress. Those trying to reclaim the past as a golden era, those who feel that's forever lost but a new one is out there, and those who don't give a crap they're just trying to get through today.

Nomad cultures would definitely show up, but you'd probably also have cultures living right around oasis' (...what is the plural to oasis anyway?) which would have control over them. Possibly a few who remain studiously neutral and protect an oasis, exchanging water and crops for protection and other resources. People respect their enforced peace or are banned on pain of death from that oasis.

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Fantasy? Generally reptiles, insects and creatures with large ears. Cultures would probably wear a lot of cloth. There is a great image of scarab riders in DSA:




That does look cool.


Time to put my rusty german to the test :D


Tradelords & Desert warriors?

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Cities would probably have quarantine zones for caravans. Plagues would be devastating in such a setting.


Travellers might be encouraged to bring new blood into cities (like in Waterworld).  They'd also have a strict code of not wasting water. Water wasting might be a punishable crime.

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@ Deluge..you ARE Uk based right?  This isn't summer..its not pissing it down!  ;)


@ Dirial....doesn't sound quite right, but infinitely better than lizeep...

Yup Wakefield today, the rain has a slight slant to it so definitely summer in my book

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