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Morning all. Quit update and then I'm off to demo malifaux for the day.

I won the Eden tournament last night. In tournaments points and vp. :P my posse of Mutant Degenerate Zombies was an unstoppable freight train in the final. Tabled my opponent to a full 120-0 score. :D

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Morning everybody. How's it going.


I wonder why I am suprised at the conversations I walk into.


Morning, PD.


Yeah, I don't know. Why can't grown (married) men openly talk about their status as lesbians?

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Cheers, well I had a fun weekend. 


Friday was the Eden tournament which was super fun and did not see myself winning it. :D Then I've done some Malifaux demo's around the weekend, saw that woman I've been seeing yesterday evening. Then I had a Malifaux tournament which just went to shit. :D First off I went in with Von Schill to be nice and not run my beloved Rezzers there. Well I lost the first game which was Henchman Hardcore because I couldn't hit shit and kept drawing shit (one turn my highest card was 7?) :D 2nd game, well I managed to make my opponent pretty much ragequit on me on turn 3.. So that sucked balls. And game 3 I was requested not to play Hannah as she is pretty damn bonkers and then I got seriously bummed in that game with a Nurse fucking my game over, Sebastian killing everyone with his auras, Lures fucking over my crew position etc etc. :P


I just don't get Von Schill. Seriously. That guy is the fucking worst in melee. He keeps doing 2 damage. He hits like the old bald fuck he is. Seriously losing my nerves with that guy. :D

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