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Thats rather strange Dirial. But I reckon one would get used to it. I also doubt you would see him outside in the winter :D



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You live in a magical place, and I wish to move there one day. Except, as an American, I feel like I would have to pretend to really be Canadian to avoid being chased through the streets by torch-wielding mobs. 


Also, I don't have a job there, and that's pretty much the only reason I stay in this country as it is.


Hahaha I've met a couple of American's who claimed they were Canadian just to avoid merciless ridicule at our expense. Needless to say they failed miserably and were ripped on for days! They were nice folk though. Individually the average American person is fairly intelligent and pleasant but group them up and the IQ drops by 75% and out come the crazies! 


EDIT - This reminds me, my friend's step mum is in her 60's and comes from Seattle. She is STILL concerned that Communism is an actual threat to the world... Says it all really! 

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Hahaha I've met a couple of American's who claimed they were Canadian just to avoid merciless ridicule at our expense. Needless to say they failed miserably and were ripped on for days! They were nice folk though. Individually the average American person is fairly intelligent and pleasant but group them up and the IQ drops by 75% and out come the crazies! 


EDIT - This reminds me, my friend's step mum is in her 60's and comes from Seattle. She is STILL concerned that Communism is an actual threat to the world... Says it all really! 


In a group their mass increases, but as it needs to come from somewhere, it drains their brains :D

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Be nice to those yanks!

Condoleezza Rice claimed that the Cold War was definitely over in 2001, after the Russians had called and said that they had nothing to do with 9/11 and we were willing to help out. I guess, MD, that some can't be to careful about those commies!

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You Europeans do tend to have a reputation for being incredibly free spirited in terms of nudity and all that. In Britain he'd be arrested on sight and never granted the freedom to walk in public nude all the time. Our courts just wouldn't allow it, they'd fine him and laugh him out the door. 


Oh, they tried to fine him, hence the lawsuit. But in Germany, taking away personality rights and such is a really difficult topic, and courts tend to err on the open side. It's our history, see.


Thats rather strange Dirial. But I reckon one would get used to it. I also doubt you would see him outside in the winter :D


Don't underestimate den nackten Jörg. He wears shoes in winter. Nothing else.


You live in a magical place, and I wish to move there one day. Except, as an American, I feel like I would have to pretend to really be Canadian to avoid being chased through the streets by torch-wielding mobs. 


Also, I don't have a job there, and that's pretty much the only reason I stay in this country as it is.


It's not all sunshine and rainbows. The problems are different, but they are there.


Also, ridicule might happen, but it will be ridicule about closemindedness. Americans tend to not know anything about the rest of the world. Nothing else to ridicule, really. (Although my wife was shocked how many obese people she met in Texas.)

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I thought that was me? Unless there's just one of us in every nation. 


Which would be pretty cool. 




I definitly think there is a zFiend in every country.


Just like that one car dealership that sells scrap that rides and for some reason never goes out of buisness.

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Also, ridicule might happen, but it will be ridicule about closemindedness. Americans tend to not know anything about the rest of the world. Nothing else to ridicule, really. (Although my wife was shocked how many obese people she met in Texas.)


Yeah, the impression I get when I meet Americans is that they are stuck with a 1500's mentality where not only the Sun but the rest of the World revolves around their Country, strangely they become surprised when they realize it actually doesn't! I was shocked to discover only something like 20% of American's actually own a passport, I guess that explains a lot of it :D

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 I was shocked to discover only something like 20% of American's actually own a passport, I guess that explains a lot of it :D

I have heard similar things. Just checked it, its about 30-40% now a days. There has been a steady raise of issued passports the last ten years in the U.S. So they are coming along!

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I have heard similar things. Just checked it, its about 30-40% now a days. There has been a steady raise of issued passports the last ten years in the U.S. So they are coming along!


It's the same people that constantly whine how expensive health care is and then whine about the government forcing them to buy insurance...


We are also the same country where individual states are trying to get Creationism taught in schools as an actual science. 


You mean those people aren't just very good comedians?  :blink:

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Going to the "americans not traveling abroad" thing, something that many Europeans don't realize (I didn't until I moved here) is how HUGE this country is. We don't need to travel outside the country to go to the tropics (Florida, Hawaii), or go see something similar to the serengeti's masses of wandering herds (plains in Wyoming/Montana area, any shopping mall on a Saturday), see the northern lights (Alaska), etc. It's all here, no passport required. Not saying I agree with that mindset, just pointing out that it does make some sense. That, and it is hard to actually get a passport.


Case in point: from where I live it is cheaper and faster for me to get to Portugal than it is to get to southern California. Hawaii is 15 hours (by plane) away. I can be in Moscow in the same time period.


Going back a bit, I think the prevailing European view of American beer is unfair. Bud/Miller/Coors are all s**t, but there are some fantastic craft breweries in this country that are as good as anything put out by the Belgians, Germans, or Brits. Not better, but as good.

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We are also the same country where individual states are trying to get Creationism taught in schools as an actual science. 


Yeah I've heard that, American Christians are the dumbest Christians on the planet! 


Planet is only 6000 years old, Dinosaurs were a myth, we just appeared one day, carbon dated rocks and minerals dating to over millions of years old are just a scientific conspiracy, blah blah... It's pure insanity but heaven forbid you challenge someones religious beliefs! 

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Going back a bit, I think the prevailing European view of American beer is unfair. Bud/Miller/Coors are all s**t, but there are some fantastic craft breweries in this country that are as good as anything put out by the Belgians, Germans, or Brits. Not better, but as good.


Oh yeah, some of those little gems have made their way across the pond and they are pretty damn good most of the time. Like I said above. It's the mass produced crap that gives American beer it's reputation.  

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Going to the "americans not traveling abroad" thing, something that many Europeans don't realize (I didn't until I moved here) is how HUGE this country is. We don't need to travel outside the country to go to the tropics (Florida, Hawaii), or go see something similar to the serengeti's masses of wandering herds (plains in Wyoming/Montana area, any shopping mall on a Saturday), see the northern lights (Alaska), etc. It's all here, no passport required. Not saying I agree with that mindset, just pointing out that it does make some sense. That, and it is hard to actually get a passport.


Case in point: from where I live it is cheaper and faster for me to get to Portugal than it is to get to southern California. Hawaii is 15 hours (by plane) away. I can be in Moscow in the same time period.


You see, I am a culture guy. When I travel, then it's because I want to see new things (or old things, you know). I want to meet new people, and I want to learn things. The size of the country has nothing to do with that.


If Germany had a tropical zone, why would I choose that over any tropical zone? Anywhere else I can get tropics and learn new things about different cultures.


Planet is only 6000 years old, Dinosaurs were a myth, we just appeared one day, carbon dated rocks and minerals dating to over millions of years old are just a scientific conspiracy, blah blah... It's pure insanity but heaven forbid you challenge someones religious beliefs! 


Don't forget that America is the chosen nation of God, and Jesus wanted us to keep a lot of weapons in the house and was in favor of a strong economy. Yeah.

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You see, I am a culture guy. When I travel, then it's because I want to see new things (or old things, you know). I want to meet new people, and I want to learn things. The size of the country has nothing to do with that.


If Germany had a tropical zone, why would I choose that over any tropical zone? Anywhere else I can get tropics and learn new things about different cultures.



Well, the US is large enough that various parts of the country have their own cultures. The bible belt region we're all bashing (rightfully) is its own culture. DC, where I live, has its own culture. New York is different from San Francisco which is different from Chicago. Not just climate/geography-wise, but culturally too. And food-wise, too. Want good italian food? Northern New Jersey has better italian food than Italy. Want some Greek food and culture? Go to Detroit. Might as well be in Greece. Want Asian food (yes, I know Asia isn't a country), go to any major city's Chinatown area. Want to pretend you're in Ethiopia for an evening? Hit up the DC area. 


The US really is spoiled to some degree with options.


Dirial, I agree that I would rather travel and see different countries. But for many americans who can't afford that, going to different parts of the country accomplishes the same goal. It is soooooo much easier in Europe to hop over to a different country. Can't really do that here.

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