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I don't even want to know how many built models I have. My Warhammer armies alone will come to well over 300, easily!

lol, my warhammer army (just the one) has upwards of 700+ models.


Mostly metal too.


It hardly ever all comes out though lol..once a year maybe in a huge brawl against my brother!

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I hope you don't mean "influence" the same way zFiend would. I too found that in college being behind the bar (makeshift or otherwise) was a lot of fun.


Hahaha! zFiend's definition of influence is probably VERY different to everyone elses. 


I used to work behind a bar when I was at Uni, it was good fun. I used to get all sorts of comments from the ladies although it was usually due to the multiple facial piercings and green Mohawk. 

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I wonder if I can gatecrash MD's wedding, and lurk in a dark corner.


Then when the stooges turn up..BAM.. its fun time!


If memory serves there are sheep in the local fields so chances are you'd be the only one getting laid! :D


zFiend will be disappointed to hear the crazy bridesmaid I mentioned a while back is no longer available. 



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I've already commissioned my stainless steel codpiece, my nuts shall remain thoroughly unkicked *nods*


I do believe if your wife-to-be kicks you in the nuts and hurts herself while doing so you're in for a hell of a nutkicking afterwards. :D 

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