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Leve will do just fine with Outcasts. While I really like the Iron upgrade too. There is a tone written about him here on the forums. I would especially recommend you to check out an Arcanist anti-Leve thread that were active not that long ago. 


Thanks for the heads up, I shall empower my search-fu and have a gander later today. I've also seen a couple of other topics that might prove very useful so I'll get round to them ASAP. 

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On the flip side, Leve's best movement trick cost him a lot of survivability while Perdita only need to throw a card. I think they are equally strong to be honest.


His best movement trick is his survivability. Sure, Dita's first turn damage might be better, but from then on I honestly find Leve better in almost everything. Just my opinion, of course.

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His best movement trick is his survivability. Sure, Dita's first turn damage might be better, but from then on I honestly find Leve better in almost everything. Just my opinion, of course.

That I don't agree on. Aggressive placement of a Waif is generally a dead waif. His real blitz tool is the (0), at least that is how I play him.

On Dita, I think she is way more versatile than Leve. She is a speedy, heaps of crew-support, and is a tricky shooter; that is better in ml.


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That I don't agree on. Aggressive placement of a Waif is generally a dead waif. His real blitz tool is the (0), at least that is how I play him.

On Dita, I think she is way more versatile than Leve. She is a speedy, heaps of crew-support, and is a tricky shooter; that is better in ml.


We'll have to agree to disagree on that.


I think that with the vast out-activation potential of Outcasts and the versatile crew selection, Leve doesn't really have those problems, while Dita's speed and "heaps" of support are all Family only. Not that I have anything against Family crews, but I just see the hoops she has to jump through if she wants to be something other that a beater.


Leve on the other hand deals better damage, is faster, more resilient (worse at tying things down, though), and is more versatile in crew selection for all that to happen. Yeah, in my eyes, he's just Dita on crack.

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The Family trait got a lot better after Wave 2. Granny Ortega can toss the characteristic out, and the Latigos really help enhance the family abilities at a low cost. That is why I think the family stuff is very good crew support.


In most cases Perdita is just as good at dealing damage as Leveticus, she is even better at spike damage, and she is better than him in melee.


On the crew selection, sure that is one of Leve's strong suits. However, he is still limited in his crew hiring due to the need for hiring a lot of 6+ss models. Guild got a lot of very solid options just in faction.

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