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Late at work? Whyso?

Yup, yellow is good. It means the test works, but only on the things it should work on. Now I just have to figure out how to get it calibrated so I can measure things with it lol

Also, I have my shiny new ring now. Tis fun, I have a 2D6 ring to play with when I'm stressed lol

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It's fun to sit there spinning the bands on it. Therapeutic!

That doesn't sound like a huge amount of fun, did you at least get overtime or something?

Only problem is how to calibrate it, it's a weird test and the usual ways of actually putting values on the colour density won't work. I have to come up with something inventive to actually get past that little snag...

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yes, either that or they'll send me home a bit early on another night this week. either way. it's time and a half for overtime, so I'd rather have that, and the boss would rather I didn't. isn't that always the way it is though.

so, inventive tests huh? any ideas so far how you're going to do that?

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Not so far. The test is odd because it measures the levels of something on a surface, but the colour change occurs in the liquid. Means I have to not have my control samples in liquid, but as solids, and that's somewhat fiddly to achieve.

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Nah, this is different stuff. I'm coating surfaces and analysing the coating. Which means I had to find how to get a liquid to turn coloured depending on the concentration of certain things on the surface. Problem is, usually you test the concentration of them in liquid so the typical control samples are liquids too. Which in this case doesn't work as you have to treat the surfaces with two liquids and only keep the second one, so you'd throw out your test sample halfway through! Tis all good fun...

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It's a two step process, and the bit I move from step a to step b is the surface I'm testing for the amount of this stuff that's attached (a piece of metal in this case). So if I use the usual liquid controls to give me my calibration, I can't move them from part a to part b and can't finish the test.

Means I have to find a way of getting a solid control sample so I can move it into step b to finish the test.

Still, tonight I get to sculpt bricks and cobbles. And clean up more models lol.

Got to shave tomorrow morning, first time in five years I'll be stubble free. I can barely remember how to shave! Heh

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I always have short stubble, I prefer it (and I look 12 without it lol). I had to buy a razor as all I have is a beard trimmer!

For some daft reason, I have to have a mask fitted to be allowed to work at the hospital, in case of gas or something equally silly and unlikely. Which is daft because it's one of those papery DIY masks you can buy at Home Depot. But in order for them to check the size of mask I need, I have to be clean shaven apparently. It's kind of stupid and pointless. But the rules say do it or don't work in the labs, so I have to.

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*swings in*

hey guys,...

here's today's music of choice. again, a bit retro, but awesome none the less. At least, it should be for those of you (like myself) who don't dig the mainstream pop music. (Lady Gaga and Britany Spears make me wanna puncture my eardrums with an icepick)

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life choices?? what sort of life choices? Do what you feel you have to. I'm not here to judge,..

---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 PM ----------

Repeat Quote: Don't worry if you're a kleptomaniac,... you can always take something for it,..

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