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Heh, well as a sculpting start, Fimo classic is the way forward I'd say. That, and some tools, something like dental tools. The armature and green stuff core are just to give things shape. Armature is basically a skeleton.

---------- Post added at 02:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 AM ----------

The mould making stuff comes as a kit, I can't remember what the good US site that supplies it is. Basically, silicon vulcanises to form the mould rubber. It usually heats up to do it, but RTV means it solidifies without cooking your sculpts and damaging them.

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Yeah, their prices are nuts on that stuff. I used to buy it in metre long ribbons for the price they sold a small strip...

All I use it for these days is gap filling on models, and wrapping the wire in to give the Fimo something to grip.

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I've been telling you that you needed to post out of this thread! See!

---------- Post added at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 PM ----------

As an aside, I will always and consistently recommend War Store to you Chris. Excellent prices, great service, great job on shipping... Neal and his crew are awesome.

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Ugh, Internet is slow as anything tonight. War store is usually a good bet for decent price and reliable service from what I've heard. Honestly, you won't use much for minis, especially if you're just using it as a core and laying Fimo over it for detailing, what with the better working time it has.

How big a sculpt are you thinking? All this is good advice for stuff up to about 100mm, after that it becomes a different game. For my 12" tall sculpt, I'm using wooden dowels, tin foil and apoxie sculpt lol.

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I'm a silly American too,.. I think in feet and inches. Someone says 67 centimeters,.. and I have no idea how far that is. Less then a meter,.. which is about 3 feet or so, I think,.. I would figure it to be about 2 feet. But I'm probably WAY off.

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4 inches is about 100mm. You'll use a fair bit of putty, but I have to admit it's a fun size to work at. Mind you, my sculpt that big is actually almost the same scale as GW figures, he's just a big lad. Lol

---------- Post added at 03:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 AM ----------

Yeah, a metre is three and a third feet I think. Britain uses both thanks to the EU...

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Seems like it. If I know right, two of my coworkers are clogging the internet with web videos at the same time, so if the internet is general is laggy, that's not helping. I was having a lag time of 24 actual seconds, instead of milliseconds...

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sounds frustrating web.

It is. Mostly because I've got to get better at my picture taking. I always feel that my models are more impressive in person. But somehow, every camera I touch comes equipped with the same lens as the camera from the DMV. You know,.. the one that even if you went in dressed to the 9's,.. somehow, when they click the picture, you come out looking like a hobo or a bag-lady?? (or am I the only one this happens to?)

Anyways, the same effect seems to keep happening to the pictures of my models, and I'm trying to learn how to correct it.

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Have you tried GIMP? I use a daylight bulb, gimp, and white backgrounds.

---------- Post added at 11:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 PM ----------

hmmm if the internet is terrible maybe you should postpone the thing sat until monday

but I can't do it on monday! lol

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