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Nope! I have had zero cheese. Moms trying to convert me to a vegan diet so she's cut me off from lots of stuff. I'm not very cooperative.

---------- Post added at 07:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:24 AM ----------

I had a hamburger yesterday. :3 some people do fine as a vegan, mom seems to. I do not. I like my meat and dairy too much. And I like not being hungry all the time.

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A tiny pic of the new Lady J crew design, of course, followed by more whining. Meanwhile, back on the Mantic boards, people are whining about the upcoming Kickstarter-funded sculpts.

Y'know, it's one thing to not like something, and it's another to act like it's going to ruin everything, especially when in both cases people have options. This isn't GW-sponsored tournament crap- if you don't like the new models stick with the classics (Malifaux) or proxy something (Kings of War).

In other words, "I really don't like it" isn't the problem, it's the "it's different now it sucks OMGWTFBBQ I'M GOING TO QUIT IF THIS HAPPENS" crap that gets on my nerves.

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yah.... I totally sympathize, dust.

so... painting is frustrating... or rather, Callie is making it frustrating. I thought I had one done. then today at work Callie hits me in the head with a hammer and I think of something else it just has to have. Now its sitting here taunting me because it needs something else and I can't figure out what.

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Hey Ed, what up?

I had one of those days where I remembered that the uni can't do paperwork. They're telling me my renewed job letter needs me to sign it by the 21st, so I go to sign it today.

Only to be told that the chair of department has to sign it first, and that's not been done yet...

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