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Posting from a phone does suck. The plane disarmed the rider so I have to fix that, paint him, take a picture, then I can get rid of him. That was the condition of my keeping him. It's very late, I just got to a place where I can get horizontal and sleep before I get up in 6 hours for work. So goodnight!

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Wow, everyone seems to be coming on at totally different times today! I'm just taking a break from the sewing machine, almost finished the test pattern for the waistcoat, then it's onto the proper fabric. Eep...

---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------

Also, go Chris! Freehand is the way forward *grin*

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It's getting there, just got to adjust and stitch the shoulders then refine the shape of the pattern before I can get out the real fabric. Which is blue-ish teal, shiny, and embroidered *grin*

Though I feel really fat now, the assembled pattern looks like a giant flag...

Edited by Mako
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Lol shiny!?! Clothes always look bigger than they actually are. You're not fat. :)

I made the mistake of not taking a recovery day off. Between not getting to sleep until 1 and getting up before 7 I'm exhausted. My kids aren't sleeping either. I'm really looking forward to A leisurely evening of unpacking and painting.

Going to try to make a couple more ttb characters too. The cards Ed got me for my birthday came in (thank you!) and they're gorgeous.

---------- Post added at 02:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----------

Hallelujah my problem child seems to have gone back to sleep!

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Patterns do that, Mako. Once it's further along it will take the proper shape.

Getting some interesting new stuff from the Mantic boards that I might work into my community-aided optional Kings of War rules add-on I've got on the drawing board. We're discussing how cavalry shouldn't get bonuses to wound another unit if they don't have the momentum of a full charge behind them.

It'd be like if there was a special rule in Malifaux that meant any attack action was treated like a Charge.

This is fun stuff- sort of a nerd equivalent of tinkering with an antique car, I suppose *grin*

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Ooh, yeah. Still, I'm not going to rush back. Not til I have a decent job waiting! Lol

---------- Post added at 12:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 AM ----------

Eep. Nearly made a mistake. Still, I recovered in time! Lol

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Not really, I'm pretty certain that my sister and her fiancé won't notice any tiny little flaws in the wedding. They'll be too busy being married. Lol

That, and I'm of the opinion that things get done much faster and better when people aren't having a constant freak out...

---------- Post added at 12:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 AM ----------

Though it is somewhat tiring to put up with lol

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Nearly cut the lining, so soon I'll be working on the main fabric. Steady progress, but not exactly quick lol. Sill working out what to do with a lot of it!

---------- Post added at 12:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 AM ----------

Heh. JAr jar binks is an abomination!

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