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That's not me that's my clone.

Bad clone!

~Clone walks off to sulk in the corner~

Watches Iron Liz land ontop of the clone, well you finally found me. Wait you weren't looking for me. You were looking for a nice bow to wear

*steps in through a shadow, shouts "SOMEBODY ENTERTAIN ME!!! IM DYING OF BOREDOM!!!", Listens to the echos, finds another shadow, steps out, tossing a couple grenades behind her as she goes*

Why are girls so crazy

*Throws grenades away and hides behind Iron Liz*

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'Fell, I have a story for you!

I play Puppet Wars. I was about to demo a game yesterday and decided to grab another Pawns Booster box. I opened it, and was sorting it with a friend, who played the game Saturday and digs it. He was asking me about the Teddies. I explained that as of now I have a full set, and am two away from having a second completed set. I let him know that I have an arrangement for the two that I'm missing to complete the second set.

So far so good!

I let him know that I NEVER get random chase figures, and rarely win anything like that. I think the last time I won anything along those lines was the last time I'd walked into my local Games Workshop store I won a copy of Inquisitor, when it was brand new (that makes it about eleven years ago). I figure it's really no big deal, that's life, I'm resigned to buying the chase figures.

We're sorting the new models, and my pile of teddies, and Pokey Vik...and there's an extra Teddy.

Green Heart Patch, which I already have a copy of.... so... three copies of the Teddy in my pile of stuff..... It wasn't there before... Where did it come from? Did I make a mistake in arranging my purchases? Did I lose track of what I got...

I pulled it in the Boosters. It was ON the table when I was explaining that I never pull special chase figures.

Edit: I actually did win the Pokey Vik, it was a Facebook contest, so, I guess I can't complain too much. I DID explain that part to him at least!

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It's cold here... it was -2c this morning.... (that's 28F for all you new worlders ;))

I'm getting amped for my vacation... and tired of sitting in a cold computer lab :\

it stinks: the thermometer reads 72F but I have a vent (that is an EXHAUST vent) that opens to the outside, and it's blowing cold air on me all day... so even though the other side of the room is warm, my side/area of the room is about.... 20-30 degrees colder.... *shivers* BRR!

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Hmm... The Exorcist would work with my Lady J crew (which I am yet to use since it's on my modeling board awaiting a lick of paint, along with my Lilith, Pandora and Dead Justice crews...), but I don't like the model :( Sue and McTavish I like, but have no use for and trying to find models I have a use for.

I was tempted to start my Molly crew, but I won't get the box for that (not wanting the Rogue Necromancy) and I want the Dead Doxy minis out before I start that crew (I love my Showgirls regardless of whether they are breathing or not).

Any other ideas?

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I know I can hire Mercs anywhere, but I'm fussy and already have difficulty deciding on what to take with Sonnia since people in my area only seem to play 25SS games, which gets annoying when I like to expand and try larger games. Still, one guy with Rasputina has Snowstorm now (and I hate that git after facing him a couple of times!) and managed to get some larger 35SS games there. I hadn't thought of Desperate Mercs for Sonnia "Horrible Woman" Criid though, thanks :) I use Sonnia quite often, usually with Nino tagged on for some extra OTT shootiness :D

Will have to see if somewhere has the Desperate Mercs in stock over here, heheh.

If you have any more ideas please keep them coming, all are appreciated :)

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