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Malifaux ipod/iphone/ipad App!


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Hey everyone. So this is my idea to throw out there for whoever has a connection to Apple and or is technologically savy. I was both thinking of and askign about a Malifaux App.

Here's the basics:

- Section (tab) like iBodger (for the Warmachine/Hordes community) where you can make your army lists and it totals up the points for you.

- Section (tab) where you can look at all the models themselves and their stats.

- Section (tab) for Malifauz fluff for all factions

- Section (tab) to connect to these forums!

What do you guys think?

Any ideas?

Is there something like this already out for Malifaux?

Hope my dream of this idea comes true.

Barby :welcome:

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Ratty has a great crew creator on his website that you can run even off your iPhone.

So far though, Wyrd has not been interested in anyone producing a website or app that would list all of the model's stats. That's copyrighted information for them, and is essential to the game. If such a site existed, people could easily play the game without having to purchase any of Wyrd's product. So, while I'd love to have something like this as well, I can sort of understand why Wyrd is not fond of the idea.

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Ratty has a great crew creator on his website that you can run even off your iPhone.

So far though, Wyrd has not been interested in anyone producing a website or app that would list all of the model's stats. That's copyrighted information for them, and is essential to the game. If such a site existed, people could easily play the game without having to purchase any of Wyrd's product. So, while I'd love to have something like this as well, I can sort of understand why Wyrd is not fond of the idea.

- Taking that into consideration, even if there were no stats, the rest of the app would be cool though. Besides, aren't the v2 cards online for free anyways? Just a thought.

- Also, maybe the "exact" stats don't have to be on it but just a general idea of what the model does.


Edited by Barby007
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From what Eric said on another thread its less about Wyrd not wanting the stats out there and more that the FLGS don't want that info out there. And if the FLGS don't want that then the distributors don't want your stuff. This of course is not good if you want your game to be successful.

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I've really done as much as I feel I should due to copyright. I'm not willing to put stats out there without their permission from Wyrd. I don't feel the need to convert what I have to iPad, iPhone or Blackberry as the Html version is about as cross platform as I can make it and will run on these platforms as it is as well as on the PC and the Mac. However I might at some point convert what I have to Java to learn how to program in it.

Edited by Ratty
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I just picked up an iPod Touch due to my addiction to the forums. I have a single home page that is dedicated to Malifaux bookmarks. They look like app buttons, but one links to the forums, one links to Ratty's page, one to Ratty's Crew builder, and one to the v2 cards. Not really an app, but it covers all the things Barby is looking for, and it's no different than bookmarking the pages on your computer....

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Of course some could do something like Battle College and not post the exact stats but refering to them by comparing them to other models. But hen again there is only two books at this time and I think most players have them.

Also another forumite is creating a new fan site that is going to break down the factions and list tacticas along with all the links to Wyrd related sites.

Here is the thread on it.

Edited by Murphy'sLawyer
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Of course some could do something like Battle College and not post the exact stats but refering to them by comparing them to other models. But hen again there is only two books at this time and I think most players have them.

Also another forumite is creating a new fan site that is going to break down the factions and list tacticas along with all the links to Wyrd related sites.

Here is the thread on it.

EXACTLY what I mean.

I just picked up an iPod Touch due to my addiction to the forums. I have a single home page that is dedicated to Malifaux bookmarks. They look like app buttons, but one links to the forums, one links to Ratty's page, one to Ratty's Crew builder, and one to the v2 cards. Not really an app, but it covers all the things Barby is looking for, and it's no different than bookmarking the pages on your computer....

1 App with all the info is much more organized and easier than 10 or more icons to different places that may or may not have all the info you need.


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I would love an ibodger-style App for Malifaux.

Basically a list builder and collection manager is all I'm personally interested in and I'd pay good money for a decent App that does that, regardless of whether it's on the android or iphone platforms.

I don't care about stats, tactics or background. Just keep it simple IMO.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would love an ibodger-style App for Malifaux.

Basically a list builder and collection manager is all I'm personally interested in and I'd pay good money for a decent App that does that, regardless of whether it's on the android or iphone platforms.

I don't care about stats, tactics or background. Just keep it simple IMO.

Same here. A Malifaux ibodger and battle college that is portable would be great. I hate having to go to 10 different webpages to get info when I can just click a tab and have it there. I would definetly pay for it if done.


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If someone can come up with the logic behind the crew maker (looking at you ratty)...I could program both the iOS app as well as an android one...however I would need someone elses help to style the apps to look good :)...

The only adendum to this is I would require permission from wyrd to work on apps such as these since they do own all intellectual property that would be involved with the app.

Edited by CrouchingMoose
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It's seriously time for game companies to start making apps like this (unless it means FLGS's drop their product). Imagine Wyrd putting out slick App for Malifaux for a buck or two. It gets us what we want, and is an easy taste for newbies.

But that's probably not financially feasible. Maybe a subscription model, like D&D Insider?

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If you have an app that allows you to store and view files on you i/pod/pad/phone, then the web page that ratty has on his site can be used.

I down loaded it and put it on my iPod touch and can open and use the crew builder web [age without having to connect to the net. Doesn't save them but was all I was after.

I'm sure the same style of apps are available for android as well.

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