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I have been running a bunch of learning games recently. I am just asking how other people run them, I tend to only use 1 scheme, about 25 soulstones, and just the 6 inch deployment. Other then that I try to walk them through options, and I don't push as hard as I can but that is just being polite in any system.

Any other tips tricks or what you do please post. Other then that I ignore some rules and I don't let people win I feel it better if its competitive but still see what they can do better.

Thank You All!

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The easiest way to do it, is to set up scenarios of everything that happens, then explain the schemes/strategies.

So set a scenario for:

Melee combat

Shooting into combat

Spell casting/resisting


Ranged combat

Los scenarios

disengaging strikes


Then if they like it run a short game with them.

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For first time games I like to go three on three. I don't worry about Strategies or Schemes for the first game, nor even point balance.

Usually I do one master, one named guy and one generic model(For example LJ, the Judge and a Death Marschal vs Seamus, Sybelle and a Belle).

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I usually run them through a minion vs minion and a master vs master combat First just to go through the complexity of a duel, cheating and soulstone usage. Than run a 25ss game Lady J (mine) versus Perdita. I use lots of terrain. As for strategies ad schemes I stick with slaughter as first one and schemes I let them pick. Most of the people I have shown have played 40k so slaughter is probably the easiest strategies to play for them.

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Depending on the venue I will do demos one of two ways.

1. Con or other event with lots of people coming through.

Give quick demos of the game mechanics, just use two models set up close to each other. This will quickly show the basics of the game and you can gage their interest. (I'll usually have two guys playing a game nearby, to entertain people waiting)

2. Local Store

Here I will usually set up two crews with standard deployment and shared treasure hunt. For a first time demo I leave out schemes and explain them after the game as well the other strategies. The biggest hurdle for first time players is getting their head around the basic mechanics, keeping it simple speeds up the process.

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Play with hands face up so players can see what options are availble to one another.

If it's more of a directed demo, stack the deck. Show them what cards they're getting ahead of time and what they will be used for. Makes the leap into how the cards function easier if you're already equipped cards-wise to walk them through a hit/miss/trigger/Soulstone burn/Joker.

Cover the basics first. Don't get too involved in how different combinations or 'tricks' work. Give them a solid foundation on the cards mechanic first, since that's the newest component for many players.

When I run demos I don't even use a strategy or scheme. I show the players the cards, a simple duel (with a spell and a resist) then opposed duel (a combat Action, which often involves a simple Trigger like Critical Strike), how to cheat, how to use Soulstones and how damage works.

THEN I talk about action points and activations.

Also, and this is the biggest thing, listen to the players. Get a handle on what they're interested in ahead of time and focus time on that. For example, if they've all played minis games before and understand the AP concept, don't spend much time on that aspect. If they are asking questions or seem engaged in talking about cheating, expand on how it isn't always in your best interest to cheat a total higher, or how it can force an opponent into overcommitting their own cheats.

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Are there any good demos online? I have just discovered the game and would really like to understand the game better before I try and teach others. I have read the new rules manual and would like to see a game played out before I try to tell my friends how to play.

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There are a fair few malifaux games on youtube if you search 'malifaux demo'.

I've been involved in getting the game started down at my club, but very much a case of everyone learning together. I just happen to have played the most so far.

My approach has been based on total newcomers who've never even seen the game

First game - ignore schemes and assume your objective is to kill the other crew (yeah this doesn't favour some crews but it's the best way to get the mechanics down). Basically people will just run at each other perhaps taking some cover on the way in. As I'm playing either Sonnia or Lady J I've taken to just walking out in the open so my opponent can decide how to tackle me.

Once we get into range my crew simply enough starts blasting away, there isn't a great deal of subtulty at this stage. Depending on hand I'll try to avoid going straight to soulstones or cheating so people can see how duels ebb and flow but will cheat occasionaly just to introduce the mechanic. Once a turn of that people will have the basic mechanic for ranged and melee combat down and possibly spells too depening on crew.

At that point I'll start using my master to blow up some of their minons but usually leave myself open to counterattack. That then enables you to show off the impact of soulstones as you can pretty much negate everything coming back at your master (both sonnia and lady j boxes result in max soulstones so you can usually take it for a turn without issue)

Next turn I'll usually lose my master and normally the game with it, so everyone gets to go away happy (me because I've got a new person interested and them because they beat me up!).

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