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Help me decide on my first tattoo :D


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Now, now, now ladies and gentlemen!

I'm determined, at my young supple age of 20, to get a tattoo before my 21st in september, so over easter or summer when I'm back from uni.

I've got it down to a few, nerd based choices and thought where better to ask! It's gonna be my first tattoo, and it's gotta be one of the following;

- The trollblood symbol from hordes and warmachine

- Something orcy from fantasy/40k

- Something from malifaux

Now obviously the malifaux one is going to be the most popular one over here, but there's such an abundance of choice! Like, I could get each of the suits tattooed in a group, or a puppet. I'm not after a massive one, just a lil one to start off and so wondered your thoughts!


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That decision is entirely up to you! If it's a wee one you're going for first then pick something simple - an orky glyph or Malifaux card suit, that type of thing. Don't get a teeny trollblood symbol or teeny malifaux doll, you could do them a lot more justice at a decent size.

Print out the ones you like at the size you'd like and take them down to your local reputable tattoo studio. They'll give you the low down on what's possible at whatever size you're wanting.

edit: I always find it funny how this website doesn't recognise the word 'Malifaux'.

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Well Craig if you can't decide which to have go for all three... I couldn't decide which puppets i wanted so I have a whole sleeve of them... now I want lost love on my chest, kaeris on my ribs, and ryle poking about in my arm.

If you just want the one its a hard one to decide. malifaux have the unique voodoo puppets, which your right everyone just loves...

and listen to beans about having little tats decent sizes are the way to go i have enough friends who regret having something bit too small.

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Where is everyone getting the puppet avatars? I want to see the Lord Chompy Bits one, as it may very well be my next tat..

There is a "contest" of sorts. You can find it if you look.

And if you have the Puppet Deck or if you look on page 9 of Rising Powers you can see the puppets of The Dreamer and Lord Chompy Bits.

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Wait a couple of years. :)

LOL that was what I was gonna say.

Seriously you are picking something that will be on your body for the next 40+ years. I am not knocking others gamer tattoos but I think you are better off getting something that means something special to you long term and at 20(or 21) you haven't experience enough of life to know what that really means

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Wait a couple of years. :)

I feel the same here, though for a different reason. Don't rush into a tattoo just because you want one now. I know you want one before your birthday but they is a ways away and you want to research the tattoo parlors too. Find an artist you like and get along with and discuss your ideas.

Nothing is worse than getting a bad tat that you regret after seeing it in the mirror.(I luckily never experienced it yet.) And find a piece of art work that fits you, not just something you like now.(There are some old Nelson Brothers fans that hate their arm right now.) The art work should be more important than which game you like.

Also remember one day you will most likely be a dad and will have your kid ask you what that tat is. You shouldn't be embarrassed about telling them what it is and means to you.

Edited by Murphy'sLawyer
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how about a tape measure, its used for all three games.

seriously though, don't get a tatoo from a game, no one outside the game (especially chicks) will think its cool. And people in the game will see it once and then wonder why you got a tatoo.

If you worked for the company that would be one thing, but even then, you are branding your body with a logo. And the logo represents toys. And the idea or trait or fluff or theme or style of that game or toy or faction is entirely missed on everyone else.

If you are still determined, then get a temporary tatoo and try it out and see it on yourself. Show it to your family, girlfriend, fellow gamers and then decide if its as cool as you thought it was.

Tatoos are a fad, and they last a lifetime.

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My gramps was in WW2 and has some tats from when he was in the service. They are now blue blobs that look like nothing in particular. After seeing that, I decided a) I haven't done anything important enough to deserve a tattoo and B) I can't think of a single piece of art I like well enough for me to have with me permanently.

If I did get a tattoo, it would almost certainly be the names of my children.

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that's awesome. a malifaux tattoo never occurred to me.

if i were to get a malifaux tat it would be the jack daw art on the cover of book 1 in black and white.

i think the puppet version of the symbols for the suits are pretty cool too, especially the crow and the ram.

who's your favorite master? you could probably find an artist to take inspiration from the concept art in the books and do an original piece, which would be pretty sweet.

as for the reservations people are having about tattoos they aren't really warranted as much in today's society (might be different in england). TV shows, etc. have popularized their use by the general public, and they aren't just for sailors and criminals anymore.

if you want a tattoo get a tattoo. they are cool. there doesn't have to be some super special meaning behind it, you just have to be able to enjoy it. the most important thing about getting a tattoo (more so than subject matter, placement, or any of that) is finding a great artist and taking care of it during the healing process. do not skimp on the artist part. you get what you pay for. you are paying to have art drawn permanently onto your body you want it to look good. it can be the most special tattoo in the world for your great grandmother that was super nice and left you all her belongings, but if it looks crappy you aren't going to like it no matter what.

as long as you don't get it on your face, hands, or neck it doesn't matter even if you regret it later because it won't show if you don't want it to. for awhile i made sure that no one could see any of my tattoos even when i was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. now i have a sleeve (you just run out of space eventually haha)

in any situation where it matters/would be frowned upon because you have a tattoo you will be dressed in a way that no one will know anyways. it won't restrict any career options either.

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Ta for all the help guys.

I've got a very good friend who owns a very well renowned tattoo parlour in my home town and I've known him years so that's that bit sorted.

As for tattoo vs no tattoo, well I'm deadset on getting one, even my mum has one! Thing is, if it's not nerd related, I don't know what else to get so that'll back you guys up saying don't get one. But nerd-stuff has been such a big part of my life anyway, I wouldn't mind it being there forever!

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I've got a mere 3 tats and my first was at age 20. It's of an ankh because I was mad on Sandman (comics) and loved the idea of Death being a hot goth chick (she wears an ankh around her neck). It's also general and well known enough to mean I still don't, nearly 20 years on, get embarrassed about it. Had I put a GW Dark Angel emblem on my arm instead I would surely be thinking differently.

Golden rule is be 100% certain what you want and where before you get it done and consider how you'll feel if Wyrd/PP/GW go bust in 18 months and you look at your tat wondering 'why the flip did I do that?' years down the line.

My next ink will be of my boys' hand prints. Their initials are B and D and I plan to have them arranged to look like 'db'. Trouble is I don't know where...

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