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Zoraida with Gunsmith?

Nu Fenix

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I am looking to expand my Neverborn, which is primarily built around the Dreamer using all of his nightmares, plus the Pandora starter I picked up when I was working out what I wanted to play in the game.

Knowing that the Neverborn is my true calling, my eventual plan is to own the whole lot. However, that is a journey that will take some doing.

For now however, I am thinking of adding Zoraida, to increase my variety. However, I am looking at all the ways I can use her, by keeping her pure Neverborn and making the most of her abilities, but also by taking outsiders due to Enthrall.

Papa Loco, Gremlins and the like are common, but also tried and tested.

I then started skimming RP, and stopped on the Gunsmith. Now, the versitility he adds seems worthwhile, and gives me some nice range support, whilst only beiong 1ss more than the Convict Gunslinger.

Has anyone proxied one and tried it out?

Is it a crazy idea that is doomed to failure?

Or should I try it out for myself and see what happens?

Also - I didn't want to take over other threads about Zoraida, so I thought I should start a new one :)

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I'm actually hoping to get myself a gunsmith for Zoraida the moment he comes out. The convict 'slinger is cheaper and can generally go more raw damage thanks to rapid fire/trigger happy, but the gunsmith is harder to kill, has some tools for dealing with certain model types and he can also get a ridiculous amount of :+fate flips on his guns. Ironically, that combined with duty makes him almost purpose-built to take down Zoraida. :rolleyes:

Of course there's nothing stopping you from taking both shooters. In fact for 20SS you could have two Gunsmiths and a Convict 'slinger. ;)

Other options for shooting are the Freikorps and Ophelia's crew. They're all special forces though, so you can't take them with the Gunsmith.

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Then chuck in Rami and Raphael for some great long ranged fun in a 35ss list :D

Won't work. Gunsmiths and the LaCroix Gremlins are two different Special forces, meaning you can't take them both in a single crew. :(

A shooty 35SS list I once came up with was;


Rami 7

Convict 'Slinger 6

Jack Daw 10

Insidious Madness 4

Stitched 5

Bayou Gremlin 3


The Madness helps out the Stitched and Mr Daw, while the Stitched / 'Slinger use their card-discarding abilities to make Jack even more lethal. Rami's the sniper (could replace with a Gunsmith, Pere or Loco, but not any Freikorps unless you want to ditch the Mercs) and the Bayou Gremlin is just a cheap gun. And as usual, Zoraida just makes them all better. :D

Edited by Rathnard
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Won't work. Gunsmiths and the LaCroix Gremlins are two different Special forces, meaning you can't take them both in a single crew. :(

Thought her specific rule which lets her hire any wp4 model would override the general rule that you can only hire 1 type of special forces?

On a side, that would mean you can't have wicked dolls alongside LaCroix either.

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Does Zoraida's rule regarding doll special forces mean she could take wicked dolls in addition to the gunsmith?

She can't hire them together as they belong to different special forces, however I believe she can still summon the Wicked Dolls after the game has begun, regardless of whether or not you have models from another Special Force with you.

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So does this work to hire gunsmith and lacriox?

Won't work. Gunsmiths and the LaCroix Gremlins are two different Special forces, meaning you can't take them both in a single crew.


Enthrall lets Zoraida hire living Wp 4 minions from any faction, but it says nothing about ignoring rules like Unique, Rare and Special Forces.

So if you take a Gunsmith, you cannot hire any other special forces model in your starting crew that isn't an Arcanist Asset. Same goes for the Kin, the Dolls and the Freikorps (the latter of which has the additional requirement of no non-Freikorps models hired as mercs).

Having said that, you can still summon wicked dolls with Zoraida mid-game, regardless of what other special forces you have. This is because the special forces rules specify hiring models in your starting crew only.

I should probably point out that the above also applies for Marcus, since he's able to hire certain models from Elite Division, Horrors, Arcanist Asset and Freikorps if he wanted to.

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