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Indoor terrain


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I'm looking at making a table for my LGS that is descent for Indoor scenarios. Currently we have a ton of outdoor pieces and table (4x4 for PP games) but we can't really do indoor tables. Does anyone have any suggestions for on what to do for the base table.

any suggestion on where to start.

Also we are looking at making an out door mining area. any other assistance would also help.

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You want the table layout to be indoors? 4x4 would be a really big building, but sewers would be fine. Mines or caves. A couple of saloons facing each other, maybe a saloon and a train station. In the end, it will probably be better to do a mix of outdoor and indoor for a 4x4 table. or break it down to 3x3 and leave a foot (6in around the edges) for various doodads, cards, counters and what not.

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When building Interior Locations I like to set the building as a 2'x2' square that can be placed on the 3'x3' board. You get a bit more use out of it that way as moving it around the board dramatically changes how it plays.

It you build a building that covers the entire space it limits the flexibility of the piece.

Here's a few that I've worked on:

Qi and Gong

Res. Laboratory


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When building Interior Locations I like to set the building as a 2'x2' square that can be placed on the 3'x3' board. You get a bit more use out of it that way as moving it around the board dramatically changes how it plays.

It you build a building that covers the entire space it limits the flexibility of the piece.

Here's a few that I've worked on:

Qi and Gong

Res. Laboratory


I like that Idea, I think we already have 2x2 boards available. And as per Kaane comment, We already have 4x4 for PP games, but but would make a indoor board for Malifaux which would be smaller.

Also just had an Epiphany, I might make a couple 'room boards' the would represent rooms to a building that could be put together to make larger tables.

The reason I'm looking at this is that we did a randome flip for terrain and got the Large Theater and even with a what is brobly the best selection of generic terrain in Montreal we could not make a descent table.

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If you are going to go the modular rooms route I would suggest basing them on either Floor tile or Cork tiles. 1' X 1' would be the easiest and cheapest to get, however you can find them in smaller sizes as well. If you plan out the options in advance you can get quite a bit of use and versatility out of just a few tiles.

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I figure if I make a couple 12x12 and 8x8 I could also use them a stand alone buildings. Like a 12x12 could be a large stand alone bar, or a room on the side of a theater of hotel. But if I am going to go this route I figure I need to make them with removable walls. I never liked the building where the top removed, but I think it would look kinda weird to have room in the middle of an open area. I figure some type of L shaped stand that goes under the board with 1.5 inch high walls. Make them modular about 4 inches long, some with windows and doors to give versatility. So as a stand along building I have something to give them an outside, but if in a larger formation I'm not blocked by some built in structure.

As a later expansion I could always make burnt ruined walls and then toss in some burnt accessories to make it a burnt out building.

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