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should i get the nurse?

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So for masters right now I have kirai, nico, levi and raspy ( considering getting ramos as well for synergy) but the first 2 can use the nurse...I'm really big on only getting models that can fit with 2 or more crews and I was wondering if the nurse would be a good addition for kirai and nico.

I know that this would mostly be for kirai and her I just half killed my self for summoning and I think the spirit nurse could fix that. However I also keep hearing about the freikorp librarian and that could fit in every crew (yay for mercinary)

Which one you guys choose of those 2 and why?

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To be honest I don't think I'd really recommend either of them for you.. (without knowing what other minions you have at all)

While the Nurse might work fine for Kirai on paper, I've never actually heard anyone who's tried it confirming it.

Unless you spend a high crow on making the nurse a spirit she'll most likely be unable to keep up with Kirai, especially as you're trying to cast an (all) spell with 2" range..Succeeding in casting also drains Kirais AP... I dunno, I think there's better Minions for Kirai to choose from.

Nurses can work well for Nicodem though, but you'll seldomly need more than one. Buffing Canines and Desperate Mercenaries seem to be their most common use.

The Librarian cannot work with Leveticus and comes at 9SS for all the others.

Rasputina already have Arcane Reservoir so including the Librarian actually reduces your hand size. She brings some healing to Rasputinas crew though which is good (as you have alot of armor but not many Wd and other healing effects) and Rasputina can make really good use of the :+fate on Casting flips.

I don't really know, it's a hefty investment, major pros and major cons - I just don't seem to have that kind of space in my Tina lists for support. I guess I'll have to try it out when I eventually get the 'korps.

Kirai doesn't really need the :+fate as much (at all?), and has access to plenty of healing already. Mhm.. I don't think it's a good addition for 9SS.

Nicodem has Decay, but you'll most likely be firing at your own models anyway to.. Heal them.. So the :+fate seems redundant when you could just heal directly instead. Including her perhaps frees up some AP on Nicodem otherwise spend on Decay, but 9SS spend on just a single corpse counter seems a little harsh to me.

Edited by Wodschow
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Rasputina already have Arcane Reservoir so including the Librarian actually reduces your hand size.

How so? Each model has Arcane Reservoir: Increase your crew's max hand size by one while this model is in play. (emphasis mine; ie: don't let these models get buried...)

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The ruling is that you can only be under one effect of the same name at the same time so whilst you have Arcane resovoir you get 1 extra card. Even if you have 3 or 4 arcane resovoirs it is still only one card. (Lot more effort for them to get rid of that extra card, but still only one extra card)

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