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New Player-Ortegas

hard 2 kill

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hi all i'm new to malifaux i haven't played yet but a few of the guys from my warhammer club have started playing and im hooked from watching youtube videos and reading the fluff in both the rule book and rising powers. i have the gunslingers box set along with the enslaved nephlim and Abuela on order. can any one suggest other minis to get to go with the box set to help get a good feel of the game. or has my limited understanding of the game helped me pick well????


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if anything, the executioner is good in the crew, just shot gun wedding him in, and start slashing away, he will be your best melee but his defence is low, im adding ryle to my ortega crew just to be gunning down anything that wonders to close, the only down side with him is that he cannot be brought into the family cuz he is unique but i think he can hold his own.

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I would say you are on to a great start and the others have made some great suggestions, I started with Perdita as well, models I have picked up and used well with her include COnvict Gunslinger, he is more of the same of what the crew already has. The Austringer, great for hitting those pesky models that hide because they know how shooty your crew is. The Executioner as mentioned to add some melee protection to the crew. Lately I have been using Ryle to great affect. He can take a beating and shoots like mad. I have to a lesser extend slotted in the Judge and Samuael from time to time for Melee fun.

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Just buying any of the other guild box sets can just add numerous options the 3 main 4 ss models guild guard death marshals and stalkers can help add numbers to a spend crew.

This is the first things I did after I picked up the models I have mentioned above. I now have all 4 starters which is nice to have all that choice.

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I was just looking at adding more obey in my army, only way to get more nino attacks as he is my favourite gunslinger

Well then you want Abula and the Totem for sure. If you want to push that even further I guess you could go with Hamlin if you want to push the obey idea to the extreme.

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