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Your Favorite Puppet


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Ok, we're not talking about Puppet Wars here (yet), but what was the favorite puppet you've ever owned. This can be Stuffed Animals, Puppets, Dolls, etc...anything in the Genre. Just the favorite one you've ever owned and why. (if you have photos, all the better!)

Who knows, if it's really good, it could get recruited into the War ;)

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Ok, we're not talking about Puppet Wars here (yet), but what was the favorite puppet you've ever owned. This can be Stuffed Animals, Puppets, Dolls, etc...anything in the Genre. Just the favorite one you've ever owned and why. (if you have photos, all the better!)

Who knows, if it's really good, it could get recruited into the War ;)

Mr Duck.

What are the chances it was a DUCK.... I went home a few months ago and found it in the loft and it has now back at my flat. I will endevour to get a photo when I get back from stupid week away with work.

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For my brother it was Bert, from Sesamy Street. He liked it so much, that when it was too torn and had to be thrown away, we had to ask someone who was going to the USA to get him another one...

Mine were an elephant, at my grandparents', and at my own house, a teddy-bear wearing overalls and a dalmatian from 101 Dalmatians.

I'll try to take photos, but unlikely before Sunday.

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Being very into my dolls, and teddies, i had several favourites. But i always took around this misshapen hand crafted felt ... thing that me and my mum made when i was about 2. He was pink, with purple hair and it had cross stitched eyes and a little button nose (that had to come off because i bit it off one day and mum thought i was gunna choke on it) and a drawn on lopsided smile! He was my version of a comforter. He was my best friend all the way to high school, and i used to think it gave me magic powers. We used to fly around the world, eating cheese, and just having a swell time!! His name was Jeffery. :)

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When I was younger I had two marionettes. One was of a mexican gunslinger in a sombrero, and the other was a twisted doctor that looked like he belonged in a horror movie more than a hospital. Not sure where they are these days, I know they are here somewhere, if I can find them I'll definitely get some pictures up.

Ps this thread was a wicked idea!

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drumrolls and suprise... one I stitched and fluffed myself (in a similar fashion to the puppet arts ;) when I was very little.

It was a guinea pig(ish) and both the fur he is made from and the buttons for eyes came from a jacket my mother hardly ever wore, so didnt ask permission (nevermind it was summer and hardly ever is counted for weeks at that age ;))

still have it, and it still freaks people out ...need to take a picture.

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mine was a Dog its name was dog lol it was given to me by my grand man at birth and its still around here sumwhere. And theres a spot on its nose were u can tell i chewed on it when i was little.

now that i think of it i'm surprised it didn't creep me out when i was really little cuz its probaly slightly bigger then a 1 year old

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I was pretty surprised to find that picture on the internet. The actual puppet is at home, and from what I know, not many were made. I'll try to find a picture of the court jester when I can. Constructing marionettes has been an interest of mine for a while, one of these days I might actually get around to trying it out.

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Ok...for anyone that has ever seen the Dark Crystal,there is a little critter that accompanies the female main character named Fizzgig. He is basically a mouth with two tiny paws,fur on his back and big yellow eyes. As a child I utterly adored that movie,and so my mother being the crafty woman she was,stitched me my very own Fizzgig out of leather and fur and I loved it to death from when I was about 3 till it was lost in a house fire when i was 9.

Man...I havent thought about that for years..I dont know whether to be sad,happy or vaguely disturbed that as a child THIS is what comforted me.


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