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eh..., help!


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Hey everyone,

I've been lookign around on this website, and I think this game is very interresting, the settng sounds awesome, the mini's look spectaculair! the only problem I have, I have no idea how this game should work, there's not a real introduction to how the game works, what I should get, all that!

so please, someone..., push me over the edge!


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basicly its a skirmish game in a steampunk-horror-western theme

you play the game with a deck of cards instead of dice, and you have some card in your hand with wich you can alter you flips

there are several actions eacht with their own character

terrain wise are there multipe options to play on indoor and outdoor locations, and loads of terrain features with their own special rules

you can destroy and some character can create terrain features in game

an incredible cinematic game, fun to play, not expensive, and hen you got the basics down the rules are kinda logic

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wow, thanks for the quick response!

to the first comment, I'm indeed from Holland, I live in the province Gelderland, as far as I've seen, there's no game store that sells malifaux near my area [i'm sure there'll be some retailers but I've not even managed to find one in holland at all!]

well, I knew about the cardsystem, and I think it's very interresting, but what I'd be interrested in knowing is, what do you guys play [factionwise] is there a very big difference when it comes to playstyle? I've got a decent Warhammer Fantasy Background so I know how tabletops and strategies work in whf but It's so different from what I'm seeing here that I doubt that it's even relevant or helpful at all.

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there is a big difference in faction, and in that also between de different masters

in arcanist you have rasputina with icy spells, marcus who commands all beasts, ramos wo constructs constructs on the spot and Colette who jumps all over the place nd can generate soulstones

not sure about the othr factions, only play arcanists :D

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In general, the Guild focuses on raw damage and, more specifically, ranged damage. Arcanists focus on resource control and manipulation. Resserectionists focus on health and summoning. Neverborne focus on speed and control. Outcasts tend to be generalists, although thier faction plays host to some of the more "gimmicky" or "oddball" masters.

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alright, thanks for the clarification!

there's just a few more things I'd like to know about it before I'm gonna say.. ,yep! this is so awesome, I'm playing this.

the first is, what's up with this rulebook thing? because there's three now, one's called handbook ,the other's an expansion and the other one is the rulebook, what's the difference between the three and do I need them all?

and the last thing is.., in WhF.., you can buy a battalion..., but..,that's not really it..,like the island of blood they have now is in fact not even legal..

if I buy a boxset for malifaux..,is it possible to play a game? or are you gonna end up buying three more before it's legal? [i know..,that's a blown up example for a skirmish game but you get the point! :)]

anyway, thanks for the help so far!

it sounds like wyrd's got themself a very friendly crowd! :)

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The new rulebook covers all of the rules, including the new updates. The previous books contain the now-slightly-outdated rules, the slightly-outdated stats for mdels, and most of the game's fluff. I reccommend getting all three, but the new rulebook will get you along well enough if you just want to jump right in.

Most of the boxes will get you up and playing without too much more effort. That being said, many of them will want you to get one or two additional clamshell item before they become really viable. Average soulstone count for a game is about 35, most of the boxes come with about 20-25.

If you want specific advice about which box needs what, we on the forums are more than happy to help.

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oke! thanks!

well..,than here's what I'm going to order..,the books, than when it comes to models.

the guild boxset for the death marshalls

and for the outcasts the viktoria's

because they look awesome! and that's how I pick my armies! :P

so do you have a recomendation on what goes with those? to get to a 35 soulstone battle [i'm just repeating you mate, I don't know wht soulstone is appart form that you spend it and that the guild wants it..,and I might be wrong on it!:P]

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With the Viks your probably going to want to pick up a Convict Gunslinger, one because I've read that a lot of people play one, and its a good model for any group to have access too. Definitely some Ronin. They're 18 bucks but theres 3 in a pack. Later on if you want grabbing the Freikorps isn't a bad idea, I've seen people run that box with the Viks as master.

I don't know much about the Death Marshals so I'm no help there...

Soulstone is like points in Fantasy but instead of 3000 its 30. And your master can take extra.

Example: In a 30SS battle you take 28 points of models and your master has cache 4 (masters come with their own soulstones) your master now has 6SS to use in the battle.

Edited by NeverEnding
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Eh. Both are good enough starters. Lady J doesn't really need much to get going. Things I'v seen that you may want to try; Peacebringer, Guild austringers, Nino Ortega, excecutioner. Viktoria wants to have some Ronin.

However, if you get both boxes, your mercs can join up with J, so you really don't need much more for J aside.

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oke..,awesome! than, for the sake of money, I'll keep it low for now, and maybe proxy some other models as something just to try it out and stuff like that.

thank you guys for the hep, I'll try and order some stuff later this week and well.., maybe post some more on the forum but, I've got a lot of forums to keep up with and a youtube channel so.., things'll mostly be foccused around that channel.

thanks guys! really appreciate the help! :)

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Hi there, welcome to the forum. Like others have said before me, supposedly there will be a rules PDF posted on this site in the near future. One of the perks about Malifaux is relatively low cost required to play. I think you can easily make a competitive army for $60-$70 USD.

If you and a friend want to learn how to play it's very possible to play two starter boxes against each other.

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Plus you can lend a crew to your friends and teach them how to play. That was my motivation behind picking up the Freikorps and the day after I got them I played with my friend, the day after that he ordered the Viks. Its a great game that pulls people in easily. Good luck brainwashing your friends!

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yeah, got a friend that keeps on shoing interrest but when it comes to warhammer fantasy, he's a bit frightened by the idea of having to paint so much stuff.., since I love painting I told him I'd do it.., but it's just so much stuff!

so hopefully, malifaux can finally drag him into the world of miniatures, specailly since he's a card mainiac :P:)

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Well, it looks like you have forum members lining up to push you over one edge or another around here, so I figured I'd just give you a big welcome! Glad to have you here on the forums, and I think you'll be happy whichever edge you get pushed over :D

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