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Any questions or criticism of the fluff?


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Do you guys feel that you have plenty of room for artistic creativity and maintaining a Malifaux 'feel'? Some other systems in their later years begin to suffer from an identity crisis of tone, setting, or genre or begin drawing inspiration from places that they probably shouldn't.

One of the major challenges you guys will have in future expansions is new character creation that differentiates. Some other systems release characters and when you look closely at them, they're the same as another. In the second book we got Kirai; Japanese spirits mixed in with the previous psycho-style re-animators. I thought that was done well. Same with Colette and the dreamer.

Is there healthy dialogue amongst you guys to balance between new and creative characters, genre blending and from simply getting too goofy? I.e., start throwing in vampire elves, goth blobs, or say orcs.

Man, there goes our vampire orc blobs concept...

I would say very definitely we have plenty of room.

Now, when you say 'characters' do you mean 'stats' or do you mean 'story'? It's impossible to say that no statline down the road will contain shades of another model's stats...keeping it fresh without treading on old paths is a concern for any growing game. I don't know that's entirely possible, nor would I want to say that we'd never make another "sad Spirit Master" if it created a compelling and interesting storyline/personality for the setting.

Malifaux's development is driven as much by the story and setting as it being a miniatures game. There are so many angles and avenues open to exploration that the mind boggles. How that translates into the miniatures game...well, that's where we will need to be good at our collective jobs and present the players with an experience that captures your interest on every front, from story to tabletop.

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I mean more on "feel" I guess. I wouldn't worry about stats, or necessarily some of the abilities. More along the line of the feel, look and tone of the character.

You go through the books' art and see varying tones of art, style, energy, and tone. So far so good, it all melds decently together and the masters and minions all have recognizable/identifiable places in their factions. The last book pushed forth the feel of the factions but maintaining a good level of cohesion.

Some other systems get to points where you see the creative juices sputtering and there are WTF? moments.

Like Templars in the Cygnar army, Squats in 40k, arguably Highlanders in Infinity.

I guess, I'm just wishing the best to you guys that you avoid a "new Coke" moment. ;)

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Dave all I can say, is the last book was as good as the first. And you draw me in to the fluff, like seamus to a lady of the night. I also can't wait to read book three, to see what you really did to my Lady :D

Edited by Deadpool
There is kiity litter in my shoes......IAMWYRD!!!!!!
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Well the second book was superior to the first I must say.

So then a new fluff question; why have the Rezzers not found ample ways to Rez Newborn beyond Killjoy?

TBH I always thought Necropunks were Gremlins, but I've had that argument enough times to know not everyone agrees... Apparently they are green because there rotten.. not because they were made from small green people.

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<sharpening the insissors> muauahahahaha!

@ Nerd boy Bowen,

The fluff is great, you know my thoughts on this. I'll take this opportunity to ask a more general question on your geek sessions during planing, vision and design.

Mali attracts alot of different folks because there are varying genres at play here. Some folks will say, "I don't like xxx and feel it has no place in the setting or it feels out of place." Despite that, they still find something alluring in Malifaux and run with it, but for the most part no one feels the creativity is too bloated and over reaching for its own good.

Do you guys feel that you have plenty of room for artistic creativity and maintaining a Malifaux 'feel'? Some other systems in their later years begin to suffer from an identity crisis of tone, setting, or genre or begin drawing inspiration from places that they probably shouldn't.

One of the major challenges you guys will have in future expansions is new character creation that differentiates. Some other systems release characters and when you look closely at them, they're the same as another. In the second book we got Kirai; Japanese spirits mixed in with the previous psycho-style re-animators. I thought that was done well. Same with Colette and the dreamer.

Is there healthy dialogue amongst you guys to balance between new and creative characters, genre blending and from simply getting too goofy? I.e., start throwing in vampire elves, goth blobs, or say orcs.

Yeah! I think the "style" will come primarily from setting discussions and the dark world around the characters. Infusing more and varied ethnicities and abilities will work for the reasons mentioned - they're already very different even within the same faction. We're evolving in the manner in which new characters get developed, but that evolution is from a streamlining necessity and is, therefore, getting a lot better! We're getting even better.

Come think think about Magno, it it was better. I hope the third is the same.

I'm more proud of Book III than II. I got to go deeper, get a bit darker, push the characters more. Things get more desperate and difficult for our characters. Especially those crushed beneath buildings and/or had their heads severed. ;)

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in book one "The Union" Marcus says she was sentanced for drowning her own child and suspected of breaking Phillip Tombers out of the sanitarium and killing him

I haven't seen anyone touch on this yet, but in the wake of Casey Anthony... how do people feel about this plot point?

Currently I'm painting Rasputina and am wondering if I'd ever use her because I'd hate to be playing a game and have people ask about why she was in Malifaux... I realize that there are other characters in the game who do horrible things and I can deal with that because they're supposed to be horrible people. But with Rasputina, it's tossed out there, but not really dealt with.

I also realize that just because she was convicted of it, doesn't mean she actually did it, but it would be nice to know either way.

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What's in every book ...

Bad Things Happen.

Malifaux is not a nice place. There is no black and white - more lots of dirty grey and deep deep black. While we almost never spell anything out, we do put enough out there that depending on your own personal feelings, mental bend, whatever have you - you can take several situations in the book and see it in one light, or another .. dark, or not so dark.

That's done on purpose.

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I personnaly like the exploration into darker material. The story in BookII about the bloke going crazy from the voices and sounds coming from his music box(?) actually had me feeling creepedout and afraid in my hotel room last year and I had trouble going to sleep. The dreamer story was also just as good.

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I really liked reading the fluff so far and I'm looking forward to more - really refreshing mix of genres. My only complaint / critique: there could be more :happypuppet1

Something I'd personally love to see is a seperate book with a few short stories or maybe even an audio book (no audio play, but I simply love the voice of good taleteller). Doesn't need to feature any game characters in particular ... maybe told from the point of view of ordinary citizens of Malifaux, Miners ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

This may have been covered in the book one fluff, but the wicked dolls in book 2 lose insignificant when within range of bad juju. I know the dolls have ties with zoraida and collodi, but what ties the wicked dolls to bad juju? What sort of mysteeeerious connections lay hidden in the swamp?

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I found a part of a poem and found myself wondering wether it was used for inspiration for Hamelin, the Plagued or other Tyrant entities?

The Captive Usurper, Hurl'd down from the throne,

Lay buried in torpor, Forgotten and lone;

I broke through his slumbers, I shiver'd his chain

I leagued him with numbers — He 's tyrant again !

With the blood of a million he 'II answer my care.

With a nations destruction - his flight and despair.

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I found a part of a poem and found myself wondering wether it was used for inspiration for Hamelin, the Plagued or other Tyrant entities?

The Captive Usurper, Hurl'd down from the throne,

Lay buried in torpor, Forgotten and lone;

I broke through his slumbers, I shiver'd his chain

I leagued him with numbers — He 's tyrant again !

With the blood of a million he 'II answer my care.

With a nations destruction - his flight and despair.

Nice poem excerpt, where is it from?

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  • 5 weeks later...

I don't know how you guys feel about the expansion of Malifaux and its obvious story focus. I think that Malifaux, instead of spinning off to novels, should spin off to graphic novels or comics. The world of Malifaux on DarkHorse or something similar would be absolutely amazing. I don't buy comics, but I would definitely send my money your way for them! Just a thought.

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Something I'd personally love to see is a seperate book with a few short stories or maybe even an audio book (no audio play, but I simply love the voice of good taleteller). Doesn't need to feature any game characters in particular ... maybe told from the point of view of ordinary citizens of Malifaux, Miners ...

The guys on the Aethervox podcast have a great reoccurring section in the podcast that features original fiction that one writes and the other narrates (I believe). I've enjoyed it, so far.

Due to some deadline issues, in their most recent podcast they narrated one of the fan fiction stories from the forum that was very good, as well, but I'm sure they will be back on schedule with their own original fiction, soon.

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