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Rules Manaul is AWESOME!


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Nice job guys!!

I haven't read every word yet, but I looked through quite a bit of it when I picked it up at the LGS last night.

Very impressive overall, and seems to have answered a LARGE majority of the questions.

Some things of note that I really liked:

- Clarification under Slaughter to account for things like the Coryphee Duet

- Change in several Schemes as to how many points they are worth, as well as the chart which limits VP in Scraps/Brawls. This helps with Tournaments as we were just recently discussing things like how easy it was for the Showgirls to get 9 VP via Power Ritual (book 2 version...new version only worth 2 VP anyway!), which made it tough for other crews to catch up in a tournament based on VP

- Diagrams!! OMG, the diagrams are awesome. Very helpful, and there are some in there that I wouldn't have even thought about before, like Blast Markers and walls of varying height.

- LOS and Measuring Ranges. The elevation section seems very thorough. I came up with a couple questions after looking through it, but then went back and read closer, and those questions were answered too. The 'shadow' rule is SO easy to understand (so far at least).

- Index. Wow....so nice. Used it like 10 times in our game last night.

- Tabs. The colored tabs are awesome for jumping right to the section that you need to consult.

- Artwork. We already knew it was going to be awesome from the couple of things that had already been previewed. If this artwork is an indication of things to come in terms of new miniatures, avatars, etc....we are definitely in for a treat!

Overall, definitely a job well done, and it shows that you guys took time to really work out the kinks. I'm sure there will still be a few questions, but overall, this will really help with newer players, and I'm definitely excited about that!

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Patience guys. The first priority was getting the manual out the door. Now that its away I am sure they are working on the PDF.

They have already stated that the PDF will not be exactly the same as the Rules Manual so they are probably working on reediting it now and making it nice and pretty. Although I do hope they strip the art and make it as ink friendly as possible.

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Patience guys. The first priority was getting the manual out the door. Now that its away I am sure they are working on the PDF.

They have already stated that the PDF will not be exactly the same as the Rules Manual so they are probably working on reediting it now and making it nice and pretty. Although I do hope they strip the art and make it as ink friendly as possible.

Exactly Nilus is right in thus, have patience and try not to get to rabid. Wyrd is doing very very good by us by even offering the PDF. Lets give them a break and just be patient ;)

And yeah I hope for it being very ink friendly as well. The printed version is very pretty and really I would want the PDF to just be pure black and white with as few colors as needed. If its all color it could become more expensive to actually print that then buy the book heh and I plan on have 2 printed copies of the pdfs for demos so hopefully it will just be B&W with minor color just for some of the charts.

Sure you can print in grayscale and B&W mode, but things always get funky when you do that... Plus it would be nice for the people with Kindles and what not to have it be easy to display on those as I know most aren't color.

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