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Missing Parts


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The title says it all. What do I do if I got a model (say, a Peacekeeper) that was missing pieces (say, both back legs)? On top of that, on the main body both socket joints on the right side are half filled in with metal. Does anyone have some advice on how to get this extra metal out of the socket so the ball on the arm will fit properly? Thanks for any advice.

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It happens.

You can find a few similar problems people have had by clicking Search under Navigation in the panels to the left and searching for "missing parts". Using the forum search sometimes takes a few tries to get the right set of words. For example searching for "missing part" yields results different from "missing parts".

Missing parts

email support@wyrd-games.net with the problem. The first question is always if you can send photos of the problem, and we'll go from there to make sure the problem is fixed.

Sorry about the misspack!

Also, when you e-mail them please include who packed the model. Look for a sticker that says "Packed By ?.?." where the question marks are replaced by single letters of the alphabet. This will help Wyrd track down where the problem is.

As for the second question if the hole you need is small enough you can put a small drill bit into a pin vice and drill it out a little.

Don't use a powered drill for this; things will likely go horribly wrong if you do.

I'm not familiar with assembling the Peacekeeper model but this worked for my Young Nephilim which had metal filling both arm sockets.

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