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Finished Mannequin


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The red on this one was really simple, actually (much simpler than on the Peacekeeper, for example).

I primed white and then did a base coat with a mix of Red Gore and Mechrite Red. Two coats of that. Then I went around the edges of the dress and the yellow-gold trimmings with a mix of Devlan Mud and Baal Red washes. Some of the wash around the waist flowed slightly in the deepest folds of the dresses, and I just left it! Then I highlighted with pure Blood Red, and then did a final highlight with a mix of Blood Red and Blazing Orange. This last highlight was sparing, and there is none of it on the lower sections of the dress for example.

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Mate that is awesome, the yellow ribboning is great. One thing, how did you do the base? Colours and texture etc :P
The base is pre-textured plasticard, from Wills Models. You can get it online. It comes in sheets, and I cut inserts out using a circle cutter.

For painting, I painted it Vallejo Beasty Brown and then did a wash of a 50/50 mix of Badab Black and Devlan Mud. I will gloss varnish it later.


+50 Geek Points


Man, I'm racking up those points. Can I sell them on Ebay? :)
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