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Nurse Speed "Reactivate" clarification?


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Seems odd that I can't find anything on the forum or through googke about this question of mine. This situation arose today.

Nurse walks up to one of my Punk zombies who is almost dead anyway and injects him with "Speed". The text says "model gains reactivate". OK. The discussion broke out with my opponent as to what exactly "reactivate is".

My opinion, you activate your Speed'ed model, then the enemy does his turn, then you may activate the same model again.

Or a less likely double activation on the spot.

My opponents opinion that you can't use reactivate unless you have activated the target model previous to the Speed injection.

It's pretty much open for discussion I believe. So what's the "right/wrong" answer to this Speed issue.

(I used the Punk zombie to deliver a message to Rasputina as part of my crew's strategy and managed to score 4VP thanks to this last minute dodge during turn 4).

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Reactivation just lets you activate the same model two times on a given turn, it's really that simple.

You can use Speed both before and after a models activation and it will make no difference.

And yeah, you're right in that the enemy will always get a chance to activate between the activations of the reactivating model.

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Giving a model all three doses is useless as they will get sacrificed at the end of their next activation and thus won't benefit from Reactivate.

You can of course do this after their first activation, then they will benefit from all doses. However, in this case you have missed one activation of Stimulant boosts.


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