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Sliver Chocobo

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Finaly time for the Guild, and know iv'e done Munkykung fu before, but i like the rules and i wanted see them evolve, ok it's compely different

First of the Spirthunters, are division of the guild made to hunt spirits and other Incorporeal beings (e.g. Nightmares)

So if your the dreamer or Kirai look out ^_^


Nephilim, Spirithunter, Neverborn, unique, Cashe 3

Wk/Cg 4/6 | Ht 2 | WP 4 | Ca4| Df 4 | Wd 6

Base 40mm


Rg :ranged6

Cb 5

Dg 2/3/5


RG :ranged10

Cb 5

Dg 2/3/3

Right Hand of Doom

Rg :melee 2

Cb 6

Dg 2/3/4



Black Blood


Hard to wound 2

Fear not death : this model receive +2Wp in duels with the undead when it is the defender

The Nephilim Death Marshel: This model can be hire any Nephilim from any faction

Earthly Anchor: :aura 6. nonfriendly Models cannot summon or place nonfriendly models. spirits within this distants take damage from non-magical weapon as if there were magical, models with float also lose this ability

Trigger Happy Fighter: This model may use two up triggers for each duel, but may not use the same suit for more than one trigger and an't use the same trigger twice in a single duel

Find the right Suit(it needs a better name i know): In Cb, Ca and Df after final duels total are determined, but before triggers are activeted, this mode may add any one suit to the Duel total.


Cb(:masks)Black Flames [Fireball] When damaging defender with fireball strikes for each :masks in the combat total add 0/:blast/:blast:blast to the damage of this weapon

Cb(:rams:masks) Trigger happy [Fireball, Peacekeeper]

Cb(:rams) Critical Strike [Right hand of Doom, Fireball, Peacekeeper]

Cb(:masks) Toss aside [Right hand of Doom] After damaging the defender, push the defender 3" in any direction.

Cb(:masks) Bloody Claws [Right hand of Doom] After killing a living or undead model, that model does not generate corpse counters, this model gains a blood counter

Cb(:tomes) Neverborn Flames [Right hand of Doom, Fireball, Peacekeeper] After hitting the defender, Cast a Flame burst on the defender. This Spells casting total recives :-fate and +3:tomes to the casting total

Cb(:masks:masks) Whirlwind [Right hand of Doom]

Cb(:rams:masks) Onslaught [Right hand of Doom]

Cb(:crows) Earthly bindings [Right hand of Doom] After damaging a model with this weapon, that model may not leave MunkykungFu melee range until it wins a Cb -> 15 duel at the start of it's activation, if this model moves, any model affected by this trigger into melee range of this model

Df(:rams:masks): Faster'n you

Df(:rams:masks): Riposite

Df(:masks) Leap away: After attacker misses with a melee attack, push this model up to 4" in any direction

Ca(:rams) From the ashes [Flame burst] Friendly models in a :blast make a healing flip instead of taking damage

Ca(:tomes:tomes) Surge [Flame burst]

Ca(:crows) Idea Theft [Flame burst] Targets controller discards a card and you draw a card


(0) Drain Blood

(0) Adaptive fighter: Select one suit. this suit is added to any duel when using Cb, Ca or Df. This lasts until the start of the closing phase


(1) Power Play

(CC:10:crows/Rst-/Rg:C) For every :crows in the casting total of this Spell that number of friendly models recives one of the effects per :crows that was in that casting total, until the start of the closing phase

Enhace defence: Target recives Armour +1 and Magical Resistants 1

Dark Arua: Target recivesa 2:aura Ht 3 soft cover for all models including itself

Invoke Fire: targets weapons gain +0/+:blast/+:blast it's damage

Frozen Might: Target gains frozen heart and Armour +2

Wings of Fire: Target gains Smouldering Heart and Flight

Dead Man's Blood: When ever the taget deals damage to a non-living, non-undead, non- costruct that model receives Paralyzed

(1) Flame Burst

(CC:14:tomes/RstDf/Rg:10) Dg 2/3:blast:blast/5:blast:blast:blast

Models to add

One sexy secretary meets doctor jekyll and mister hyde

a Biker Ortega Chick

a totem

And a Generic Spirithunter

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First of the secretary


Woe, Nephilim, Spirithunter, Neverborn, unique, Cost 10

Wk/Cg 3/5 | Ht 2 | Wp 5 | Ca6:masks| Df 5 | Wd 6

Base 30mm





Ill Omems


Dark Nature: If this model cannot make Strikes with out first winning a Ca->12 duel if this model passes this duel, replace this model with a Evra, that model is all abilties this model has gan by Mimic until the start of the closeing Phase

Pandora's lost Woe: This model can be hired by Crews conntaining Pandora

Dark Beauty: +2:crows when Casting or channeling Lure


(+2) Shapeless

(0) Mimic: Target a model within 8" and LOS and chooses 1 effect. this lasts until the End Closing Phase. Effects that reference a mode by name cannot be Mimicked

Mimic Attack: This model gains a weapon from that model

Mimic Spell: Gain (1) spell possessed by target model

Mimic Statistic: replace Wk/Cg, Ht, Wp, or Df with the same statistic possessed by target model

(0) Minic healing: This model Makes a healing Flip


(1) Lure


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The secretary, Part 2


Woe, Nephilim, Spirithunter, Neverborn, unique, Cost 10

Wk/Cg 6/10 | Ht 3 | Wp 5 | Ca 6:masks| Df 4 | Wd 10

Base 30mm

Paired Talons

Rg :melee 2

Cb 7

Dg 4/5/6





Ill Omems


Born of Fear: If this model fails a moral duel, or another model passes Evra's Terrifying, replace this model with a Eve, that model is all abilties this model has gained by Mimic until the start of the closeing Phase

Pandora's lost Nephilim: This model can be hired by Crews conntaining Lilith


Cb(:masks:rams) Second Pair [paired Talons] Make another Paired Talons Strike aganist the same target with a :+fate:+fate, you cannot activate Second Pair with this Strike


(+2) Shapeless

(0) Mimic: Target a model within 8" and LOS and chooses 1 effect. this lasts until the End Closing Phase. Effects that reference a mode by name cannot be Mimicked

Mimic Attack: This model gains a weapon from that model

Mimic Spell: Gain (1) spell possessed by target model

Mimic Statistic: replace Wk/Cg, Ht, Wp, or Df with the same statistic possessed by target model

(0) Minic healing: This models Make a healing Flip

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm still loving this man. Top job :D

I might pay somebody to sculpt this model for me

Post a picture if you do :D

Also Another Part to Tuesday little troup (Tuesday herself is a Arcanist)

Jonas Albrecht

Family, Construct, Unique, Cost 7

30 mm Base

Wk 4/CG 6 | HT 2 |Wp 5 |Ca 5:rams |Df 5:rams |Wd 6

44' magnum

RG :ranged 10

CB 5:rams

DMG: 2/2/3



Companion (Tuesday)

Allways together: This model can be hired in any crew containing Tuesday,this model gains comes cheap if hired if that crew is lead by a Arcanist master

A Real Man: This model is a living model generates a Corpse counter

Team Player: While within 6' of Tuesday, this model gains the Showgirl Characteristic and Tuesday gains the Family Characteristic

Perfect Machine

Armor +2


(+1) Ranged Expert

(2) Rapid Fire

(1) In need of back up: Push a friendly Tuesday within 6' into combat with a model that Jonas Albrecht is in combat with, Tuesday may make a Strike against that model

(0) Second Cousin: One friendly model with Family within 6' of JonasAlbrecht activates after this model activation ends


Df (:masks:rams) faster than you: After attackers within 10' misses with a raged attack, this model deals damage to the deals damage to the defender using the combat total as if it had hit the defender with a

Df (:tomes:rams) Back-up fire: After being hit with a melee attack, push Jonas Albrecht 4' inches away from the target, Push a friendly Tuesday within 6' into combat with a model that Jonas Albrecht is in combat with, Tuesday may make a Strike against that model


(1) Are you feeling lucky

(CC:14:rams:masks/Rst:Wp/Rg 6:range) Make two 44' magnum straikes aganist the defender, these count as moral duels

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  • 1 month later...

Requested by Abs

I got a lot FMA references try guess them all


Henchman 5, soulless, Construct, Graverobber, special forces (Homunculus), Unique, cost 13

Wk/Cg 5/7 | Ht 2 | Wp 6 | Ca 4 :rams/:tomes | Df 5 | Wd 8

Paired Peacebringers

Rg :ranged 8

Cb 5:rams

Dg 0/1/3

Paired clawed fingers

Rg :melee 2

Cb 5:rams

Dg 3/4/6



The red elixir: when ever a model is killed or sacrificed within 6" of this model this model gains Æther counters equal to the soulstone cost of that model

The next element: Any time in the encounter you may exchange 10 Æther counters for a soulstone

Homunculi ringleader: crews lead my only hire homunculi, guild guard and Guild autopsy

Experimentations: this model doesn't pay any of of faction cost for Guild Autopsy, at the end of each turn place all guild Autospy killed to within 3" of TheOneWhoFell

The Best of friends: this model can be hired by Hayzel, Neverborn crews containing this, may hire guild guard, homunculi and guild autopsy at no additional costs

Duel focused


(+1) instinctual

(0) forbidden lore: discard a soulstone this model gain +2:tomes Ca

(0) Depraved tactic: discard a soul stone and any number corpse counters within 6" summon that many guards men, those guards men gain Undead

(1) devour soul: sacrifice a model within 4" TheOneWhoFell makes a healing flip and gains Æther counters equil to the number of wounds healed


Cb (:rams) Critical strike [paired peacebringers]

Cb (:masks:masks:masks) Soul devouring [paired clawed fingers] after inflicting damage if the target is killed gain Æther counters equil to it's cost, if not you may imeaditly cast Devour on the target, the cast of that spell receives +2:+fate ca

Ca (:crows:crows) Fully Devoured [Devour] this model gain Æther counters equil to the soulstone cost of the sacrificed model and make a healing flip


(0) Deadly sins

(CC 15/Rst:-/Rg:-)

TheOneWhoFell gain's one of the follow effects.


This model gains (+1) ranged expert, (2) rapid fire and +1:rams Cb to paired peacebringer strikes for each :rams that was in the casting total of this spell


This model gains irrsistable, (+1) melee expert and +1 Rg and +1:masks Cb to paired clawed finger strikes for each :masks in the casting total of this spell


This model gains harmles and one weapon, (1) spell or talent owned by a model within 8' and LOS per :tomes in the casting total of this spell


This model gains terrifying -> 13 (+1) casting expert +:+fate:crows Ca for every :crows in the casting total of this spell

(1) reanimator


(1) Devour

(CC13:crows:tomes/Rst: Df/Rg::melee2) Sacrifice target Ht 1 model

(1) flame burst

(CC:tomes/Rst: Df/Rg:10) Dg 2/3:blast:blast/5:blast:blast:blast

Posted it too ealier bare with me :D

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Absolution Black

Knight, unique, totem (Hayzel, Silver Chocobo, TheOneWhoFell) cost2

Wk/Cg 4/6 | Ht 1 | Wp 5 | Ca 5:rams| Wd 4


Rg :ranged 4

Cb 3 :rams

Dg 1/2/3



Compain (master)

Comes with cheap puns: pay no out of faction cost for hiring this model

Knight in training: crews containing this model may hire any totem from any faction without any extra costs and attach that totem to this model

A Knight for a princess: this model may be hired by Hazyel instead of the good doctor along any combination of up to three Gingerbread Men and/or Shinies and four Teddy Bears.


(0) Soulstone shot: discard a soul stone the next peacebringer strike gains +3:rams:rams Cb and +2 Rg


Cb (:rams) Critical strike [paired peacebringers]

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  • 4 weeks later...

Enslaved Karn

soulless, Nephilim, neverborn, special forces (Homunculus), Unique, cost 10

30mm base

Wk/Cg -/- | Ht 3 | Wp 5 | Ca 5 :masks | Df 4 | Wd 8

Iron Anchor

Rg :melee 2

Cb 6:rams

Dg 2/3/4

Anchor Chain

Rg :ranged 7

Cb 6

Dg 1/2/4



Enslaved: this model starts with six enslaved counters on it at the begining of each turn this model make a Wp -> WP duel with this crews leader. If this model wins replace this model with Karn unleased. if the master leadig the crew is killed replace this model with Karn unleashed

Master of trasposition: this model gains +3:masks

Black Blood


(-1) slow

(+1) Casting expert

(0) link

(0) Drain blood


Cb (:crows) Chain Drag [Anchor Chain] After damaging a model with this attack, push the deffender 5'' towards this model and make a Iron Anchor strike against it.


(1) flame burst

(CC:tomes/Rst: Df/Rg:10)Dg2/3:blast:blast/5:blast:blast:blast

(2) Freedom

(CC12:masks:masks/Rst:-/Rg:-) Remove a enslaved from tis model, Iron Anchor Strike within 2'' and a Anchor Chain strike on every model between 2'' and 7'' of this Model

(1) Transposition


(1) Teleportation

(CC::masks/Rst:-/Rg:-) place this model in base to base contact with any model within 12''

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