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Steamborg Movement trick


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Hey folks,

I was looking at The steamborg executioners stats, and it seems that its possible to charge across the entire board in one activation with him, assuming you have low cards in your hand.

Activate ramos, move forward, summon spider 6" out. do other stuff with him.

When it comes time to activate the steamborg, you charge the summoned spider. Cheat attack flip using a mask, cheat low on def with spider. Push spider 4" forward, and charge at another model further up. Chain this as you like.

When you get to the model you want to target, you have a straight up charge attack (+1 damage flip), then anotehr melee expert attack.

Do you guys think its a viable tactic, or ?

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Well, seeing as how you need a Mask for every time you want to use Knock Aside, getting across the whole board would be pretty dang tricky. You need a bunch of Masks, or really lucky flips. Then you also need multiple models within range of your charges.

Could be interesting. But certainly not something you could count on every game.

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I wouldn't count on using it more than once (ie. chaining across the board is a bit ambitious and would most likely drain your entire hand making it a less desirable choice).. But yeah it's viable and can certainly catch some people unprepared at times.


Also allows you to get both a charge and a Flurry in which is quite awesome against things as Masters.

Edited by Wodschow
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I got to ask was this realy needed. Any one find the steamborg even close to op to need a nurf. If any thing i think the model needed some more love.


I did not say this bashing the decision I was asking out of honest questioning why it was made.

Edited by tadaka
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Wyrd may not have changed him with the purpose of making him have less options but in the end it was the end result. To me that makes a nurf. nurf=made less effective. Perhaps you have a different opinion of nurf but this is mine. I was not trying to bash the decision just understand it sorry you felt the word nurf was unfair on this situation.

Edited by tadaka
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