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Assassin's Criid

Doctor Amos

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So, I'm thinking for my next crew (which I don't need, but I have to pay the devil and feed my compulsion) of taking Her High Inquisitor, Madam Criid. However, I'm looking for where to expand her box set, and I have several ideas. I am now fishing for the thoughts of others.

1.) Killjoy. Kerblarg.

2.) Jack Daw. More cards is good. Plus, you know, the rest of it.

3.) Defender. Proxie, obviously. Extra armour seemed like a good idea.

4.) Freikorps. Fireball-proof troops? Yes please. Fireball-proof troops armed with flamethrowers? Yes please.

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Honestly with Jack, 7 times out of 10 you won't be throwing Jack Diddly away because of the Undying.

He completely ignores strikes that aren't magical or focused.

And if they really want to spend (2) AP on a model for me to sack a single card, more power to them.

Also, his 6" aura of "HAHA YOU CAN'T CHEAT / SOUL STONE) means you'll need cards from your hand slightly less than average to accomplish things.

(Because you can't cheat.)

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