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Dreamer vs Criid


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I have only my second game, and the first game with my own crew (assuming it arrives) in Feb. The Dreamer will play Criid.

It's 25SS and I am thinking of taking:


2 Day Dreams

2 Stitched Together


It will be against Sonja's boxset and my models available for substitution are Copellius and 3 alps.

I ideally do not want to play an alp bomb so would like advice on does the list seem reasonable and what should I watch out for from Criid.



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Criid is one of the better matchups against the Dreamer (IMHO). She... explodes. A lot. And this tends to wreck Alps. She also wrethes herself in fire. Again, hard to surprise. Most of her crew is spewing magical fire, and she can simply deny your magic. Best advice I can give is to move fast and hit hard. Pretend you're Lilith and try to deep-strike BUFFs into her possition, while keeping spread out or buried as much as possable.

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Just played with my Sonnia vs. my friend's Dreamer Crew yesterday and gotta agree it was brutal. Still lost the game due to him being able to complete his Destroy Evidence strategy round 1 (darn those nightmares are fast!) but any other and he would have been toast.

Sonnia might be the best model in the game for taking out the Dreamer as she has one of the easiest way around Shadowy Form: Arcane Seeker combined with Flame Burst. She can ignore LoS to target the Dreamer so blocking LoS to the Nightmares (if there is no suitable terrain, toss a Flame Wall right in front of her) makes them untargetable, thus the Dreamer does not have eligible Nightmare targets around and with 2 Df and 3 Wd he won't last long against a Flame Burst Bombardment.

Witchling Stalkers and Sonnia casting Inferno and Flame Wall next to her models makes melee costly for the Nightmares. Propably the best bet is to tie Sonnia in melee with something tough (Teddy works nicely) to prevent her from casting Flame Burst.


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Btw is Magic Seeker Ropetus ;D

But yup that trick certainly works Ropetus, but the key is to never let her have the chance to use it. Through careful use of your Daydreams you can avoid ever letting her get a real shot off on him.

Thats what you will need to do eturns. You gotta watch out for Magic Seeker, it's one of those sneaky ways by Shadowy Form ;D. So what that should tell you is that you want to rely on your Daydreams to unbury Nightmares. At 25ss this is going to be fine since you are only going to have a few. But if your not going to be able to engage her or finish her off, you want to use the Daydreams.

Flame Wall can be a pain in the but, but you should be able to drop around it. Otherwise, if you have to pass through it, make sure you get through it in a single action or the damage is really going to stack up. Though you can use this in a sneaky way.... drop Stitched Togethers on it and have them take their actions. They take 3Dmg, the 3 more for each action they start in it. So if you drop in one, you can just keep doing Gamble Your Life to Sonnia or someone else and watch as it kills you! It will still be able to activate as Does Not Die does not end your activation when it kicks in, you stay at 1 wd and keep up that activation. But since you already count as having Activated if you die during your turn, you also get Reactivate! So then it can have another turn inside the fire where it will die again. It can't gain reactivate again but no big deal. You get that full activation and you will still be hanging around. With any luck you put some serious hurt on a few models and are in a prime place to taunt your opponent. Gotta love using your opponents strengths for your benefit ;D

One of the key things you want to try for is to get a Nightmare in on Sonnia/her crew and then drop LCB in there and let him do some of the bulk. At 25ss you generally only have to really worry about 1 minion and the Master actually being trouble for you. So try to pick those out and drop Teddy on one and LCB on the other, hopefully overlapping your range if you can.

Because Flame Burst is a Ranged Magic Attack spell, engaging her works like Ropey said, except Teddy is sorta a waist if he is just here to engage. Stitched Together is a much better option because he guarantees she will be engaged for at least 1 full turn or deprive her of an AP at least to escape. But this is just if your trying to tie her up. If you get the chance to go in at her for a kill, Teddy is great. But you really gotta make sure she dies, so it's most likely going to be Teddy + Stitched Togethers or Teddy + LCB and just crush her. But yeah, Stitched Together is a much better model for just tieing her up then Teddy, especially if she has other minions nearby

So one thing you may want to try is going in and hitting her hard and fast. For this strategy I actually suggest going 3 daydreams, 2 teddys, and dreamer. Yes this is not a ton of models but the 2 Teddys will kill Sonnia, or at least force her to burn her precious few SS to avoid being eat. Plus they hit harder then anything else at that point bracket and can take quite a licking and keep on nomming. LCB can pop in to help finish things off and if you use your Daydreams to help you perform hit and run tactics you should generally be fine. My Tactica goes over a bunch of these so Ill defer to that on this point.

But I guess that is the core of my advice, go in hard and flee if you need to. Against Sonnia you will find several situations where you will end up safer as LCB then as the Dreamer (since you can hide out of her Magic Seeker trick). So make sure to remember this and don't be afraid to hang around as LCB, just lurk outside of LOS and have Daydreams nearby to bounce him out and another up field to bounce him into play where you want him. If you do this and at least I think adjust your list to 2 Teddies.. you should come out on top.

Edited by karn987
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Sonnia have Disassemle.. That's one thing Teddy doesn't like at all. O_o

Unless you're willing to burn most of your hand just to keep Teddy alive I wouldn't suggest using it to tie Sonnia down - though I suppose it'll work nicely for killing her :P

Ohhh right, even more reason to use Stitched Together to do it.

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