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Deliverence, 25th-26th June 2011, Cardiff UK

Dumb Luck

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As recipient of the wooden spoon I can confirm I had many strange looks while getting the bus home! (and it is cool - upset my little girl a bit though who glimpsed it when I got home!)

The tourney was excellant (my first for any game system) - I think maybe five games would have been ideal. Other than the small delay for the last game it was very well done.

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Great event Dom, really good fun! There was a laid back atmosphere and all the usual banter from the players and refs :)

Enjoyed my first outings against the Dreamer & Kirai immensely (though I was tired enough to faceplant the table against Ant's Kirai in the last game, thanks to the noisy natives the night before...), and I have some ideas on how to tackle them with Deadly Doug. Next time boys, next time... Still hate Jack Daw with a passion though on meeting him for a second time!

I'd echo Andrea that we had one game too many on the Sunday with the later start and the long drive back to Nottingham. Maybe one smaller game and a brawl, or even two brawls would work better if you have players coming from all over?

Thanks to all my opponents: Rich, Jon, Jo, James, Dai & Ant for some cracking games :)


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Very enjoyable weekend. Always nice to meet new people that have a passion for the game as much as I do. I enjoyed all my games, they were all competitive which I like to see in my games but with comedy value in every turn.

My favourite game was against James, slapping Chompy with my bag of tools to death was very amusing but also horrifying as the activation before he managed to skip Chompy across the table to Seamus and bring him down to his last wound. Seamus wasn't the only one that had to change his underpants.

I thought Firestorm was a great venue and there shop had a nice stock of all my favourite games. Ill be ordering from them in the near future no doubt.

Was happy with how it was organised and I agree with the others about reducing the games on the Sunday or by starting earlier to fit the 3 games in.

Only criticism with the tournament was the mix up of results,however for the first time of running a tournament mistakes will happen and still Dom did well. For future suggestions I would try an alternative program to excel to track scoring, I'm sure many of the other tournament organisers would help you out there.

All in all an awesome weekend for me and the Mad Hatter.

Also thanks to my opponents. Sam (Dreamer), James (Dreamer), Liam (Lady J), Ant (Kirai), Mitch (Lady J) and Craig (Marcus).

Paul (Seamus)

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Fun event for the weekend Dom. Apologies to everyone who played me for being a turtle but it's the hoff, not much else to do except for point out the best quote for the weekend. (Names disguised to protect the innocent)

#1: "I hate Pandora, hate her so much I want to %&$ in her ear"

#2: "Got to pass a willpower duel first and with that rager you'll be at a negative flip"

#1: "Damn I take a wound and she runs away"

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thanks to all my opponents for my games....i got to play some of u i hadn't before and almost all my games were against Masters I havent played against before, so good learning curve for next time. I enjoyed all my games, and had some hard fought battles. Enjoyed them all so thanks guys.

Thanks Dom for a fun event.

One bit of feedback....can this event be organised next year to not coincide with a big event weekend, as that bumped up the cost of hotels, and for those of us travelling, it added to the cost of attending.


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