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Walpurgis Night Tourney Project Log


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I'm in the process of slowly getting ready for the 4/30-5/1 Malifaux tournament in Bellingham (see here for details: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17828). I figured I'd post some occasional info on the projects I'm doing to get ready for the tournament.

First up are some custom-made engraved wood corpse and scrap counters that will be given away to attendees. These are made of 1/8" thick basswood and are 30 mm in diameter. They are double-sided - one side is a corpse counter and the other side is a scrap counter. I must say, they turned out quite nice!




If you're interested in getting some of these and won't be attending the tournament see this thread.

I've also started some work on a special character who will be making an appearance during one of the scenarios. Not much to see yet, but it's a start!


Finally, I'm also going to be working on a couple special terrain boards. This is the start of a Badlands board - lots of red rock formations and deep canyons, with some ladders and walkways to make the playing surface 3-d. I'm working on a small hovel and a mine entrance for this board, as well. I have plans for a host of other boards, including a Pioneer Town and Sewers, though we'll see what gets done!




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  • 4 weeks later...

Got the Strategy Counters in. The dynamite counters are double-sided (with armed/unarmed graphics).

The owner of the tentacles is almost done being sculpted - now I need to cast the fellow!

Finally, the artwork for the custom fate cards is almost wrapped up - I'm really looking forward to seeing the final product on them!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Progress is rolling along - I've got most of the objective features done, and have been casting other terrain features and objectives like mad. If folks are interested, an image of a model that will be given away to tournament participants is below. This model fits on a 50mm base and will be used in one of the tournament scenarios. I'm not a strong sculptor, but as a long-time Chaos player, the one thing I can do is tentacles, eyeballs, and gribbly bits. Not perfect by any means, but I'm satisfied wioth how they're turning out as a first effort! I'm working on painting one now, and will post more detailed pics when it's done.

I give you, the Tillinghast Beast:


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wow man them counters are bad ass, you should mass produce them i would pay good money for it, sure others would

I love them counters too... I've always wanted to make my own counters similar to those but never had the time or resources to do so... but I am in agreement to pere Marsh I would pay some good monies for them :D

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Thanks for the kind words! Of course, a limited quantity is available for sale: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?p=196183#post196183 All proceeds go to fund the prize table for the tournament. We'll also have a few spares of my favorite thing we'll be giving away at the tournament available in a couple of weeks - can't wait to get those in!

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I've been busy! The everyone-gets-one model for the tournament is in full production. I took a break from casting to get one painted. Without further ado, I give you the Tillinghast Beast!

Here’s some of the green:



A cast Beast:


The Beast 360:






The beast attacks!


Additionally, one of the games will have a special objective - in game, it's a Tillinghast Resonator, however it might also make a nice Aethervox.

The Tillinghast Resonator “sculpt” – a lego with some bits and plasticard glued on:


Some resonators fresh off the production line:


Finally, here are some other objective markers. I've made 40 of these in all - 2 per tournament participant.


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I must say that this is an impressive amount of work you're putting into this.

REally well done!

Also, while I've probably said it before in one of your showcase threads - I really like your contrastful painting style. Very unique looking!

So yeah, just some thumbs up from here, keep up the GOO-d work :)

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Cards are ready! There are 12 available for sale. Details are in the "for sale" sister thread to this thread, if you'd like to purchase one.

AFAIK, this is the first custom deck produced for Malifaux. Plenty of clubs have custom dice. I reckon (and hope) that many clubs will have custom decks in the future. However, if those bad boys ever become collectible, these will be the holy grail! Plus, they're cool!

A note about our club: Folks from Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement - actual city nickname!) are called Bellinghamsters. My gaming club started off primarily as a Warhammer Fantasy club, hence: The Bellingham Warhamsters. Our mascot is a hamster with a knife on its back - riffed from the "Turn Your Hamster Into a Fighting Machine" meme.

I cobbled together most of the art from free clip art sources, but drew all but one of the puppets myself. Our local PP Pressganger did the joker graphics and the card back. I did all of the layout, graphic design, etc. Of course, given my graphic, cartoony style of painting, it should be no surprise that I like stark, iconic graphics! I became the master of the potent combo of Picasa, Microsoft Paint, and my secret weapon: Inkscape. Inkscape is a free vector graphics program that let me vectorize images - essentially giving them infinite resolution. I'll eventually post a more detailed tutorial of how I made these, in hopes that others will do the same!

The number of icons on the card faces correspond to the numeric value of the card. The colors and fonts used match the respective factions. The Guild is represented by guns and nooses. The Ressers are represented by skulls and bones. The Arcanists are represented by cogs and gears. The Neverborn are represented by voodoo dolls. The jokers are variations on our club mascot - a hamster with a knife strapped to its back (with the Outcast font). The red hamster of rage, and the black "you're doing it wrong" dead hamster.

The cards turned out wonderful! We used: http://www.customizedplayingcards.com/. I can't recommend them enough! They are sturdy 300 gsm plastic coated cards. Very rich and deep colors. They are the size of a poker deck (2.5" x 3.5"). They come in a hard plastic case.

Just to let you know about the "luck" infused in the cards: I'm a Resser player who uses a convict gunslinger. My first hand of 6 cards after shuffling was: 13, 11, 9, and 3 of Crows; 10 and 9 of Masks. Those of you who play know how unbelivably awesome that opening hand is! :)

Photos of the cards follow:

Card Backs (That'd be a hamster skull and crossbones):


Hodge Podge of cards:










Hard Plastic case and cardboard sleeve:


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You're generous, but "Most Over-Produced Tournament Ever" seems more fitting. Whether the tournament is any good depends on y'all. ;)

I dunno Jim, I'm not sure if all the Ordos will play nice together. :D

The stuff looks fantastic, and I'm super stoked to come up to the tourney.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The final swag bag contents are shown below:


1. Warhamster Fate Deck

2. 5 Corpse/Scrap Counters

3. Complete Strategy Counter set

4. Tillinghast Beast miniature

5. Tillinghast Resonator on 30mm base

6. 2 50mm "Wreckage Markers"

7. 3" x 3" Minor Breach terrain feature

Of course, all of the tournament participants get theirs unpainted. If anyone attending the tournament wants to paint their pieces before the tournament, let me know. You'll have to pay for shipping if I have to mail them, but you'll get a small bonus for playing in scenarios for which you painted the swag.

*whew!* I want my hobby back!

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