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Mc. Mourning 30ss Tourney


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If it were me, I would drop 1 Belle and get 2 more dogs.

If you take 2 of your 8 SS in the beginning of the game and make them Body Part Counters. Then, use Sebs or a Punk zombie and murder 2 of the dogs (Bloody Harvest or Slice and Dice) and take the Corpse Counters to McMourning, now you have a Flesh Construct and Fast on the first turn.

I'd use Sebastian for this, have the ones you want dead in base contact with him, make the others stay away. Use Bloody Harvest, cheat the dogs down, or tie it. Then use For You, Master.

I've used Belles with McMourning, while they are lovely, I wouldn't use more than 2 because usually your opponent is focusing on someone else.

Although I learned something from a Seamus player...don't underestimate the Belles damage output. Just use that one Belle but use her to her best potential. Lure is nice but so is Undress.

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Yup, McM is fast.

The Frankie can't be fast on his first turn if he's summoned, he can have a normal 2AP if you have a joker of either flavor.

But honestly, don't throw down a card either way.

It has been ruled in at least three threads that slow does not stack and therefore leaving him slow his first turn is okay.

You might find he is plenty mobile without it due to Ceaseless Advance.

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A little off of the norm, but I would drop both Punks and Sebastian in favor of Bete and more dogs. The Canine Remains really shine when they attack in packs, gaining their (1) Charge as well as losing insignificant. Bete's versatility cannot be underestimated. Her attack is brutal, she gains Fast very easily, she is a paralyzing machine, and she is nearly impossible to keep down when used properly.

Activate your Canine Remains first to form a screen, as well as forcing your opponent to activate most, if not all of his models before McM or the Belle's go. Use the Belle's to chain lure one of your opponent's key models. McMourning can then do a little Scalpel-Slingin' to get into melee range with the model. Then use his remaining actions to butcher them. Bete replaces a Canine Remain or Belle that is in a prime position, and harasses the enemy's tougher models. McMourning and the Belles continue isolating enemies and destroying them, while McMourning also pops out the occasional Flesh Construct.

This tactic is fairly simple, and is insanely effective. Give it a try!

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I like to transfer at least 2-3 SS into body part counters then kill a dog or two first turn with Dissect and/or Scalpel Strike then use the body counter(s) to summon a Rogue Necromancy. Let him run as the blunt of your force while picking your targets while the opponent deals with that monster. By the time it dies, you should have enough (or enough if you claim the RN's counters) to summon another.

I like to run in addition, a Hanged and a Belle. The Hanged's ability to remove half of a figure's wounds in 1 go should cause for some alarm in your opponent. The Belle helps suck people into charge lanes and/or out of position and ripe for picking. Use that in conjunction with The Hanged's ability to do just about the same and you can suck a model pretty far

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How do you guys feel about a core crew of:


Zombie Chihuahua



Using the three to summon canines and flesh constructs?

I'd go with a Grave Spirit over the Zombie Chihuahua myself. It can cast as well as the Chihuahua and Generally speaking it's abilities are better than the Chihuahua's. Also if you summon a Rogue necro or a Flesh Construct then link the Grave Spirit to it...Then you give armor to your big bad and give it a Bolt-On Dissection/Rancid Transplant/any other McMourning spell.

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With the new changes to the Chiahuahua,the Gravespirit trumps it totally. That cute little dog just isn't worth the point anymore. Grave Spirit has much more potential and use.

I've tried sub'ing in Mortimer because I thought I would have a better chance at producing corpse counters but the 2 games I had him, I had horrible flips so he didn't accomplish much, if anything. I plan to give him 1 mroe go and see if he can redeem himself.

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Didn't the Chihuahua actually get better?

Before it seemed the master needed to be within 3" of it, which is no longer true. There are two sentences in the ability, separated by a period, so, do you need to discard a counter for the master to get any? And it became a Corpse instead of a Body counter, which is worth twice as much.

I mean, contrast "Get the Stick" with "Fetch", it doesn't seem the discard is necessary for the gaining, but if possible, must be performed?

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I mean, contrast "Get the Stick" with "Fetch", it doesn't seem the discard is necessary for the gaining, but if possible, must be performed?

Incorrect. Effects of all actions must be completed one sentence at a time. If a sentence is impossible to execute, further effects of the action don't happen.

Same thing applies to actions like raising new models with Resurrectionist Masters and growing Nephilim. You cannot complete those actions without first sacrificing the appropriate counters.


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Yeah, I am quite hesitant to use the grave spirit with McM as well.

Sometimes I will link it to a Belle or a Frankie for some added invulnerability =P

Although usually I will use the extra points for more dogs.

though the Grave Spirit is only 1SS. so you can't even buy a dog for the cost.. It almost always makes back is 1SS, with spirit it's quite tough.

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On top of it being a spirit, isn't it untargetable while it's linked to things?

Also, to address Kanhead's earlier comment on summoning factories...I've never paired McM with Mortimer, but I've never found that I've needed to. If you get McM stuck in and tossing around his scalpels all willy and/or nilly then you usually generate enough Bodyparts to summon something every other turn. Your mileage may vary, obviously, as opponents like Lilith are going to be harder to farm parts off of than, say, the Vikkies or Lady J.

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Thanks Gensuke, you're echoing my thoughts. At 7ss he seems just a little much to be used solely to supply body parts - especially when McM doesn't seem to suffer from this problem. This might change once i lose my BP factory chihuahua or i start summoning rogue necros.

Regarding the grave spirit vs extra dog, whilst i acknowledge Ratty's point that the totem is generally good value i feel the extra 1ss to get a dog (and another aggressive unit that provides a body part) is a winner. I find the totem tricky given i'm generally dropping frankies into my opponents backline.

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