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For those who think that Malifaux models are a pain to put together


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It's important to have a good hard shaft.....

Fnarr, Fnarr !

Anyway, I had huge problem with attaching Viktoria's hands. It was my first ever attempt at pinning anything and things didn't end well. I broke several drill bits, cut my finger, drilled through Viktorias hand and spilt a load of super glue on my leather chair, which even to this day still has a dubious looking stain on it.

My ineptitude at pinning is only second to my attempts at painting... lets just say, I am now very experienced at stripping models.

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It's important to have a good hard shaft as it was bending all over the place ...


Giggidy-giggidy. I know herbs that might help.

Last night, the force of a light drybrush managed to dislodge the top of the one-eyed belle's parasol, taking the paint on the top of the shaft (tee hee) with it. I said words that would make a sailor blush.

Can anyone suggest a good line of drill bits for very small pinning, like paperclip width, as my GW model drill comes with one-size-fits-boltgun-barrel width bits. The old one came with different sizes but they're long broken and stuck in my fingers at this point.

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p3 pinning set refills come with two drill bits and a few rods of the pinning material of the same diameter they do them in lots of sizes 0.85mm is usually ok for your average humanoid sized mini but you can get smaller ones if need be


maelstrom are pretty good on the price for these if they have them in stock if not expect a long wait before i found the refill kits for £2 odd i was usually paying £1 a drill bit by itself from the local hobby store

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Can anyone suggest a good line of drill bits for very small pinning, like paperclip width, as my GW model drill comes with one-size-fits-boltgun-barrel width bits.

I would suggest trying to find a hobby store, not a gaming store, but something that stocks cars, trains, planes, and rockets. They seem the most likely to carry a proper range of micro bits, and at least the ones I've picked up last a heck of a lot longer than the ones Privateer and GF9 supply.

As for models, I've built the Harbinger, and while she can be tricky, Lich Lord Terminus is an unholy terror to assemble. The wings! Oh, God, the wings! In general the "Wyrd problem" has more to do with their chosen scale. It's large enough that they can attempt more realistic proportions, and that results in some models simply having silly thin connection points. That's something that the sculptors and molding engineers need to work out between themselves. Every company has some models where some bad choices were made (or forced) in this regard. Privateer's older stuff tended to be guilty of this, though they got a lot better. Usually. (I'm looking at you, Mage Hunter Strike Force crossbows.)

I play Arcanists, and I haven't run into anything that's driven me crazy yet, though I do hate Viktoria's hands. I hate that I dropped her and have to reglue them. I don't have any of Ramos' spindly spidery things though.

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Here's a couple of things I do when assembling, maybe something will help.

I usually only pin items that are a bit heavier, but what I use is a simple pin vise (available at most hobby stores or on the net). For a pinning metal, I simply use paperclips.

I bought a set of drill bits that are designed for the Dremel tool, but work great in the pin vise, and with various sized paperclips.

I use Loctite superglue, which is widely available, and as far as I'm concerned, works better than any other superglue I've used.

But, for fiddly bits, you really should get a superglue accelerator. One squirt of this stuff, and the superglue bonds instantly. I glue one piece, give the other piece a spray of the accelerator, then as soon as I put them together, they are solid.

Green stuff works good as gap control, but I'm finding I like Milliput better. It's a bit more messy, but it smooths with water, and you can even do a wash of milliput to smooth areas that look a bit rough.

Metal model assembly is a PITA at times, but a little prep work goes a long way .

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Here's a couple of things I do when assembling, maybe something will help.

I usually only pin items that are a bit heavier, but what I use is a simple pin vise (available at most hobby stores or on the net). For a pinning metal, I simply use paperclips.

I bought a set of drill bits that are designed for the Dremel tool, but work great in the pin vise, and with various sized paperclips.

I use Loctite superglue, which is widely available, and as far as I'm concerned, works better than any other superglue I've used.

But, for fiddly bits, you really should get a superglue accelerator. One squirt of this stuff, and the superglue bonds instantly. I glue one piece, give the other piece a spray of the accelerator, then as soon as I put them together, they are solid.

Green stuff works good as gap control, but I'm finding I like Milliput better. It's a bit more messy, but it smooths with water, and you can even do a wash of milliput to smooth areas that look a bit rough.

Metal model assembly is a PITA at times, but a little prep work goes a long way .

the only thing I would add ontop of this sound advice is in terms of glueing, particularly with Flat metal surfaces is to score the areas you are gluing. One side vertical and the other horizontal. This will increase the surface area and give more area for the glue to bond to and will create a much more solid bind when the glue dries.

First and foremost with green is never ever ever buy it from GW. Ebay or an online store. You can get about 36 inches for £7.

I however use procreate and swear by it. This stuff is amazing and is great for gap filling and sculpting.


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I absolutely hated the Cryx Stalker. Not the biggest or heaviest, but way too many contact points and literally points for feet, and no balance whatsoever.

I'll also certify the Harbinger. Beautiful model, I never even tried assembling mine. Whoever decided that massive metal 3"x2" banner should be supported by a square pole thin enough to flex, AND built into her hand... Wonderful concept, horrible implementation.

And I'll also pile on the over-the-shoulder Belle. Very small contact point for such a large, easy-to-hit lever, and too small to pin well. Ick.

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And I'll also pile on the over-the-shoulder Belle. Very small contact point for such a large, easy-to-hit lever, and too small to pin well. Ick.

Oh god that brings back memories... I finally glued the parasol to the top of her head after much cussing. It's not as pretty as I may have liked but I might like to pick her up sometimes.

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  • 1 month later...

My daughter bought Lilith's Brood with her birthday money and they have been a nightmare. Tot's arms popping off, Youngs dropping wings and Lilith's hand & sword won't stay on to save our lives.

Every time she touched a model something fell off of it, she was in tears over it. Very frustrated with the whole lot right now.

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  • 2 months later...
One Word: Cynwall

This is probably the truest thing i have read today. And I had them all, and only the dragon was easy to assemble. If none of the rest of you ever did anything with Cynwall, go look them up. The entire army is a spindly nightmare.

Here are links to the offenders:



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Haha, that Skorne boxset is one of the reasons I quit Warmahordes. What a collection of craptastic models. Still haven't put those Cyclops together. You might as well just sculpt your own arms for them.

I ended up changing factions because of the models. As much as I want to play skorne I could never assemble an army I would want to field for them :(

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My marionettes arms refuse to stay on no matter how much green stuff I use. Uncool because the showgirls are now my Number 1 crew. That and the Mature Nephilim my friend has falls apart at least once every game. I am also now afraid of picking up Warmachine, this talk of annoying models is unnerving.

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