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Quick Morale Duel question...


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...that has likely been answered elsewhere, but hey, being in class doesn't give one much time to dig.

Morale Duels, especially in light of Lady Justice and the Freikorps. Do bonuses like "Fear Not Death" (+2 WP in duels with the undead when this model is the defender) and the bonus that all Freikorps seem to get (WP bonus when defending, I think? I don't have the book) apply to Morale Duels?

I'm likely to face Von Schill with Seamus soon (the other player is new, so I don't want to switch to a master he doesn't know), and while I know VS's (0) ability actually refers to Morale Duels, I don't know about what the other abilities work against.

I seem to recall something being posted about Morale Duels *not* being defensive? But I'm not sure.

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It would depend upon the Morale Duel in question.

If the model with Fear not Death is resisting a Spell that counts as a Morale Duel that was cast by an Undead model, then yes. (Of which there are none at this time.)

If it was just confronting a Terrifying model or effect, Fear not Death would not apply as that type of Morale Duel does not have an attacker nor a defender.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This issue vexes me. It just doesn't 'feel' right that Fear Not Death should not work in Morale duels. In the Morale Duel sequence in the original rulebook the model affected by terrifying is described as the defender and so Fear Not Death would seem to apply, although that section is now considered removed by the errata. If there's one thing that Fear Not Death should prevent it's the Death Marshals fleeing from the creatures they're meant to hunt and destroy!

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If there's one thing that Fear Not Death should prevent it's the Death Marshals fleeing from the creatures they're meant to hunt and destroy!

This one has always bugged me from a background point of view. The Death Marshals' background would suggest they should be less prone to flee from undead. I can so imagine a conversation like this:

Soldier: "All Hail! They have sent us some reinforcements!"

Death Marshal: "We are the fearless Death Marshals! We have come to purge the land from the vile undeath!"

Commander: "Cool. How about you start by slaying that three headed undead monstrosity right behind you?"

Death Marshal: "MOMMY!"

Commander: "Uh, I thought you guys were supposed to Fear not Death?"

Death Marshal: "Yea, we do, but that one is TERRIFYING! Bring me some undead hookers any day over that one!"

Commander: "sigh..."

But yes, according to the rules, there is no attacker or defender in the simple Duel when testing against Terrifying. Fear not Death and Stubborn do not apply.

If the model with Fear not Death is resisting a Spell that counts as a Morale Duel that was cast by an Undead model, then yes. (Of which there are none at this time.)

There is Madame Sybelle's Shriek which causes a Morale Duel in addition to damage. Fear not Death should help against that one.


Edited by Ropetus
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There is Madame Sybelle's Shriek which causes a Morale Duel in addition to damage. Fear not Death should help against that one.


I believe the Morale Duel caused by Shriek could be argued to be a simple duel as it's a will power vs target number duel, WP->11 in this case, so again there is technically no defender, and Fear Not Death, in theory, doesn't apply.

I also find it weird that, as the rule is currently played, being unafraid of zombies helps you resist the urge to stare at a zombie hooker getting her kit off. The Death Marshalls must have a bizarre training regime :P

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