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Malifaux Noob!


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I know a few people on here from other forums and wargaming blogs etc. I'm Elazar (Elazar The Glorified on a lot of forums) and I write The Glorious Works blog (shameless plug!).

I'm really quite interested in making a start into Malifaux. The great minis and the theme and artwork have really won me over. Been lurking on the forums for a few days reading up. Quite interested in a few crews especially those with Hamelin, Nekima, Collodi and The Showgirls at the minute. I realise that most of those don't have minis right now so I suppose that gives me time to get the rulebooks etc I need first!

Anyway, just wanted to say hello for now, I'm sure I'll be on here quite a lot! :D

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Even though some of the crews are not released yet there are things you could do.

Nekima slots into Liliths crew, So you could get her crew box and maybe add Lelu and Lilitu (Lilitu has a similar look to Nekima) and then just add Nekima when she comes out.

Collodi can work well in Zoraida's crew and has great synergy with Stitched Together so you could go with something like Zoraida, Voodoo Doll, 2 x Stitched and then more or less add any model you like to make up the points, then slot in Collodi when he gets released.

Hamelin will be out in february I think

The Showgirls are almost all out, you will just have to proxy some doves till they come out. Eric has hinted it will be early next year, maybe February.

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Kaeris is a fantastic Henchmen if I do say so myself and you can't really go wrong with her especially as more of her special forces come out in the coming time.

Hamelin is an evil evil rat bastard. But he also has some really cool mechanics and is certainly a terror on the board. A great choice.

Colette is a devious charmer of a women, but her crews speed and guile will serve you well as long as you treat them with care.

Any way, welcome to the boards! I hope you enjoy your stay and whatever crew you pick, the best of luck to you =)

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Actually, been doing some reading up and looking at minis and I think I'm going to go the opposite route and start off with Hamelin and then do the Showgirls and maybe Kaeris.

The indecision!

Hi Elazar,

I didnt realise you wanted to go with the Showgirls or I would have held off! Anyway, by the time I get round to painting mine you'll probably of got tired of them and started a new crew!


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Thanks again to everybody for all the welcome messages and tips!

Hi Elazar,

I didnt realise you wanted to go with the Showgirls or I would have held off! Anyway, by the time I get round to painting mine you'll probably of got tired of them and started a new crew!


No problems! I've changed my mind every two minutes so you've just helped me get closer to reaching a decision. I'll get them at some point in the future but so that there are more crews covered between the three of us I'll probably go for one of the Neverborn ones now. Or maybe Kirai or Nicodemus. Or maybe Ramos.. or Leveticus... Indecision much!

Once Hamelin's boxed set comes out I'll definitely be getting on with them but want something to make a start on now too (greed!)!

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