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Choosing my first crews


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I want to buy a couple of crews so that I can take them along to my gaming club and get other people into Malifaux. (I have both the books, but am finding it hard going understanding it all, mailly due to a lack of a glossary of terms, symbols and such also I lack any other Malifauxians to learn with)

I've decided on the Dreamer box and I quite fancy the Freikorps box. Here's the Question:

Will the Freikorps be an even match for the Dreamer without a Master, only being led by a Henchman? Should I buy them a Master also, if so which one?

Another Question:

I love the Abominations, is the Leveticus crew well matched to the Dreamer? I don't really get the rules yet, if Levi is playing the Dreamer, will he be able to collect the tokens to raise Abomos, Would Ramos be able to collect the tokens to raise machines?


Merry Christmas,


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Nightmares (which nearly all Models in a Dreamercrew are) do not leave Counters...

Thats a Problem for Levi... but I think he is still able to manage them... because one of the Dreamers best tricks (Terrifying and Morale Tests) do not realy work against Levi, too.

A Crew lead by a Henchmen is not weaker as a crew lead by a Master...

Hmm... I think Henchmen are more flexible...

The Problem with the Freicorpse is that there are not that many Minions to add to the Crew so far...

They are very stylish and cool... but... hmmm...

To show someone the Game i would tend Dreamer with Freicorpse or levi with Freicorpse...

I think it is not good to show someone the game with two crews that miss some of their tricks if playing against...

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Actually you can play any of the Mercenaries with the Freikorp, so you do have a fair few minions to pick from and more are on the way in the form of the Desperate Mercenaries.

And, if you want to have a master to lead your crew instead of a henchman, then The Viktorias and The Freikorp are a very good match, although I think Von Schill is more than capable of running a crew by himself.

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