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backwards player :)


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So what do you do when a friend shows up with a rule book for a game you aren't familiar with? Give it a quick read. Find some proxies and start playing :juggle: (note to self next time you do this make your first game a 2 way game not a 4 way game) I think that it is safe to say that we had a great time. We all all played 25 points. I am sure that we probably made a few mistakes but we had fun. We all choose a differnt faction just to see what they were like. The fluff in the book was great. We had as much fun say some of the names when it was their turn to activate as we had actually playing the game. The flip system took a little getting used too. Up to now the only games that I have seen anything like that in has been several historical minis and than only for initative.

I ordered a copy of the rules this morning. I am not sure which faction I will get first. In the first game I played Lady J with 4 death marshals, Nino Ortega(i think that was his name cowboy w/gatling gun range16), and the Scales of Justice. The game was utter chaos. I went head to head with some undead types and things where going pretty good. Then I got pig stampeded in the flank. Oh their was also some boom stick action along the way. While I tended to the pork the nurses tended to the dead and I had to start all over on that front. Luckily the pigs were diverted by an ice wall and went elsewere. Bottom line is that I died horroribly or was recruited however you want to look at it it was a great game. Did you get all that?

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