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Chompy Bits gets distracted with a toothpick


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Every time I use the All Done trigger that Chompy Bits has, I see him whipping out a toothpick, picking his teeth, patting his stomach, and exploding in a cloud of smoke, leaving The Dreamer behind.

Okay, enough silliness. My question:

The trigger states that you must bury chompy and replace him with The Dreamer.

Triggers activate after totals are determined and before the damage flip.

If the attack misses, the trigger still goes off (it just requires a suit, not hitting and not damage). No problems there.

If the attack hits, however, Chompy bits technically gets burried before the damage flip. Since the model that did the hitting and caused the damage flip to happen is no longer in play does the damage still happen? The trigger says nothing about nullifying the attack, etc.


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So is the takeaway here that Lord Chompy Bits must call the "All Done" trigger before damage is inflicted? That seems to introduce a little bit of a gamble in that he may go away before the target is dead (if that's the desired result which I assume it is).

Seems about right to me. I think it should be a gamble.

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So is the takeaway here that Lord Chompy Bits must call the "All Done" trigger before damage is inflicted? That seems to introduce a little bit of a gamble in that he may go away before the target is dead (if that's the desired result which I assume it is).

You always announce all triggers before any damage is inflicted, how is this different... ?

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You always announce all triggers before any damage is inflicted, how is this different... ?

It isn't.

So is the takeaway here that Lord Chompy Bits must call the "All Done" trigger before damage is inflicted? That seems to introduce a little bit of a gamble in that he may go away before the target is dead (if that's the desired result which I assume it is).

It also isn't a gamble. When I trigger All Done, I'm planning on doing regardless of whether or not the defending model is killed. This is because if I'm considering pulling the trigger off at all it's because it is the last possible way I can get him off the field and replace him with an untargetable dreamer. But that's off topic.

I think the question here has been answered. The damage still happens.

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You always announce all triggers before any damage is inflicted, how is this different... ?

As a game mechanism it's not different. How it impacts your strategy is where it's different.

It's a matter of not knowing if your damage will kill the target. For example, with Lady J's Critical Strike you don't really care what happens to the target when you call the trigger... you want to kill it and will be standing there no matter what.

With LCB and the Dreamer if you call the trigger, take the damage flip and then the target is still around to retaliate the Dreamer *might* be in trouble. It's a long shot, but just maybe. Also, if you decide to NOT trigger "All Done" and LCB is still standing there waiting to kill something that is already dead, the rest of the opposing crew might shoot him to pieces/etc.

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Triggers are always declared during the duel, then their effects kick in when indicated (during damaging for example). Triggers are only a gamble if you aren't certain of the outcome. A neutral or positive flip for damage means you're able to cheat it with what's in your hand. Don't have the right cheat card to get the kill? don't use the Trigger, or gamble and hope the flip is enough.

It's more about resource management and timing it right than it is Trigger/Spell X always works regardless of what's in your hand/in the Deck.

Sure, Lady J's Critical Strike Trigger is a no-brainer, but Triggers and when best to use them less so. Just plan for when All Done's useful to you (hold the right cards for cheating, get bonus flips, throw a Soulstone onto the attack total) and it works just fine. ;)

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