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Long-time gamer playing


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Well, I've been playing Malifaux for a few months now, but finally decided to register here and give a bit of an introduction.

I've been playing various games of the pen-and-paper and tabletop variety for the better part of fifteen years now, having started with 2nd Edition D&D back in the day. I ended up getting into Malifaux after noticing a few of the miniatures and getting a bit of a Deadlands feel.

The aesthetic of the game is what ended up attracting me to it; I'm not a huge fan of steampunk, but this is one of the few settings that manages the it in a non-idealized fashion. The quality of the sculpts helps as well.

Mostly here for strategic discussion and a little bit of story-writing. It's a good distraction from work.

Currently running Showgirls, although I've got Nicodem and Perdita for demonstration purposes. Working on building a local scene at my gaming store, so perhaps the forum will help with that a little bit.

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Welcome aboard! There does seem to be a bit of a role playing draw to Malifaux, even though it's not really an RPG. They did such a good job of fleshing out the characters that it's very easy (and fun!) to slip into character while gaming.

For example, I often find myself feeling like a bit of an old lech while playing with Leveticus. Hollow Waifs, Rusty Alice and all... ;)

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