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CN's Undertaker's Lot In Progress


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hi... amazing bases and fog there

I got a silly question, for the blue bits are they eproxy? I noticed that you got some of the blue stuff on the wing tip of the vulture as well? they need so much fixing? or are you going for a smoother surface

(sorry I am new to mini :P)

No problem. The "blue stuff" you see there is actually blue painted plastic. It's from the GW Empire Wizard kit, which I have found useful in the past. Nicodem's new cloak used to be the cloak of a ice themed Beastman shaman, however, I have since disowned the game and the model wasn't needing the bits as much as Nicodem was. The blue on the vulture might just be a trick of the light...

I have a pretty good sized bits collection, though I'm still trying to figure out what to do for my corpse counters.

Thank you for your compliments.

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