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W: LE LCB etc. H: GW circa 1985-now


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Basically, I am looking for the Limited Edition Models that I have missed due to just discovering Malifaux. I especially would like the Limited Edition Lord Chompy Bits and Gremlinette would be very nice to have also.

I have too much stuff to list. I have almost any GW Chaos model produced since the Rogue Trader era (1985-ish) untill the current line. I can trade a large quantity of current or recent sprues in addition to some collectors item 40k and fantasy models. I have an unopened boxed set of Blood Bowl etc etc.

Basically I have been a GW junkie for a long time (esp. Chaos) if you have any wants just PM me and you already know what I would like :)

I can also provide proof of my employment to help you understand that I cannot in any way rip you off without severe reprecussions in my life. i.e. loss of career etc. :)

Take care!

Edited by Nemissary
removed Miss Pack, as I have one on its way to me now... yippeee!!
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