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Ophelia Crew all painted and purty


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Thanks, everyone.

I sculpted them.
Cool - superb job, sir :)

did the figures take long to paint?
Not at all. I used a speed-painting technique, since I am usually a very slow painter, and managed to get three of the crew done in one morning, and the other three done the next evening. Small minis like this that are crammed with detail really suit my painting style.

PS. I realise I posted this in the wrong forum. Oopsie!

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Really good job there!!! If only, I would love to see some pictures with more natural light and less flash.
Yeah - not much I can do about that at the moment. My main camera has died, so these are taken on my camera phone. I used a natural light bulb for illumination (no flash), but it's all rather tiresome without a proper setup.

They look very nice :D All that pigapult needs is a pig with wings :D
It does need some colour, alright. I have the piglets, and am going to think of a way to include one or two. Despite the base being 50mm, though, the pigapult takes up most of it. I'll see what I can come up with. Might pin a couple of pigs on top of the wooden railings.
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