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Nightmares arrived to Hungary


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I got my bad dreams boxed set a week ago, and at now, I can say proudly that I've done most of the paintjob on them(there are some final touches, and the basing that's still not done). I'm very curious what would you say about them, so I post some pictures.


Stitched Togeters:


Insidious madness #1

Insidious madness #2


The crew:

I have a doppelganger, and a Teddy too, but they're far from finished. I post pictures asap.

Edited by HarkonneN
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Thanks. Thruthfully, I was a bit nerveous at the dark colors after I made the photos, cause my camera is an old scrap I can't make ideal pictures with it even on models with brighter colors, not to mention these darker ones, but I hear happily that somebody likes it :).

Oh and I forgot to say that LCB's color scheme comes from Asteroth's appearance. ( a main boss's in disciples 2 RTS game) I like this more than the default black skin.

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I've made a second insidious madness(not as scary as the first one, but it has a pretty disturbing appearance I think), and I sat a pic about it on the first post.

And thanks for the positive responses, I appreciate it.

Very cool. Ominous. Love that Insidious Madness. I'd like to see a shot of the entire crew once you have the bases done. The basing adds so much.
At now, I don't have any ideas what kind of base should I make for them. I think I stay with the candy like base I used for the dreamer. I like Genetic's LCB base, I think I made a similar one for my LCB as well (the only difference will be that while genetic used woodplanks, I'm gonna use floor tiles), but I'm not sure what to do with the others. Edited by HarkonneN
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That is one dark and disturbing vision, so total kudos to you. It's wonderful how The Dreamer contrasts so completely with his playmates. This is such an evocative portayal of the dark heart of the Neverborn.

I will also be fascinated to see how much further the basing can lift an already outstanding looking crew.

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