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H: Leviticus Box (minus Waif) W: Rasputina, Som'Er, Viktoria's


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Just as the Title says, I have a Leveticus Box that is missing the Waif (nothing is primed or assembled) for sale(Paypal)/trade I am looking for the following:

Som'Er's Box

Viktoria's Box

Rasputina Box

Kirai Box

If you have intrest and dont have the above, PM/post what you have available and maybe we can work something out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes all the cards are there, nothing has been touched other than the removal of the Waif and her Card otherwise it is still intact.

Did you want to just pay strait cash (Paypal?) for it?

box is $45

waif is worth about $7?

so $38 + shipping??

I have a WHFB Banshee that could proxy as a waif that I could include ($45+ship)

Let me know if your still interested.

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