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Would this be a good list?


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Well first I’m a Nicodem player and I was looking into building a Levy Ashes and Dust list but then I was like "who needs levy?"

35ss list


Grave Spirit 1ss

Mortimer 7

Ashes and Dust 13

Steampunk Abomination 3

Steampunk Abomination 3

Steampunk Abomination 3

Canine Remains 2

Canine Remains 2

So total is 34 o that leaves a 4ss Cache on Nicodem.

So the idea is that you can make more Steampunk Abominations with Niccodem and keep the Ashes and Dust alive.

You then can make the DE and keep going, use Mortimer to get more corpse counters and keep stuff moving with fresh meat.

Is it worth it? I don’t know, I don’t even know if it would run well in a Nico list but think of bolster undead on the DE, Steampunk Abominations and Ashes and Dust, it is an interesting Idea but in practice I have no idea, what do you guys think or does anyone run this list? How does it run? Or any ideas on how to make the list better.


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IMO you should, as I like to say, trim the fat.

The Ashes and Dust combo with Grave Spirit is very good, and with SPA's, it's pretty powerful so you should run with that. Drop Mortimer and the Canines and go with more SPA's. So you could go 7SPA, Ashes and Dust and a Grave Spirit which would be a pretty scary list.

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True, though you think mortys ablity to fish out corpes counters and make models move with fresh meat is not worth it in the list? I am thinking that being able to make your own tokens will alow Nicodem to make more SPAs, but having alot of SPAs to start with would be good... hmmmm. I could take out both dogs to add another SPA and have more SS for Nico for helping to make more SPAs.

But then Ashes can make SPAs himself so morty might be unessary, but then i would have to rely on killing things for Corpes counters and that can be a bit tricky. hmmm. I have to think on that.

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EricJ posted the following stats for Dust storm,

Wk/Cg = 6/-

Ht = 2

Wp = 5

Ca = 4

Df = 7

Wd = 3

Seems this was something that slipped through when including the stats, these are the correct stats for Dust Storm.

With DF 7 when bolstered by Nico that a df of 9 sweet!

But these posts are not offical errata yet so I am guessing its up to your local Henchemn weather or not to alow these changes until they post an offical errata

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Im not really sold on taking morty out since he is my sorce for new corpes tokens, I can make SPA all game long if he is feeding me counters, and with the new-ish ruling alowing you to cheat his flip i have vary few turns in witch he fails to gain me a counter.

So if i end up playing a list that has nothing but constucts, nightmares or spirtis i can still make stuff and also get mindless zombies.

He also adds a bit of flexablity, if i need some more heavy hitters right away I can grab punk zombies or if i need some range i can grab crooked men, the fact that he makes counters for nico makes him key on keeping up the numbers and staying flexable.

And if I am playing vs a list that is giving me Corpes counters then I can summen big things to help out, like flesh constucts or even a RogueNecromancy. I also am drawing cards when I summen. I just dont see taking him out for a few low pointers as something that will be better then if he in there,

though if you have a thoughts on why I need alot of SPA in the first few turns then I am willing to change my mind, just right now I only see the pluss side of having mortamir in the list.

Right now this is the list im thinking of running


Grave Spirit 1ss

Mortimer 7

Ashes and Dust 13

Steampunk Abomination 3

Steampunk Abomination 3

Steampunk Abomination 3

Steampunk Abomination 3

Total 33ss so that is a cache of 5ss on Nico.

So my plan with the list is this start off with moving ashes, next activate Morty and Nico and the totem, start with Morty, he casts fresh meat and moves your whole army towards ashes. next cast Exsume and gain a conter.

This will be most likey my first turn in most games with this list.

My goal will be to create at lest 4 or 5 models with Nico in a game and make 4 more with DE and Ashes. so at the end of the game I added 8 models to my list durring the game. If i make ashes the target while blostered my little guys might be able to swarm stuff up. Aslo makeing a DE or two from the 4 SPA's in the game wont hurt.

Hopefuly i will be a model summening machine with Nico and Ash working over time with the aid of the DE and morty. Just makeing more and more for my opponet to deal with.


Edited by TimeLapse
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Rusty Alyce is okay but not really needed at all, In a ramos list she gets you extra cards, in a levy lists she gets you cards in the first place, but in a nico list not needed, If i use morty to get me corpes counters then reanimater lets me summen more SPA and lets me draw a card, so I still have that ablity to draw extra cards.

So Alyce would just be a model that cost 10ss, if she let me draw cards and I could add her I would add morty instead because he would be hands down more useful.

I still like the grave spirit linked on ashes, casting fog when ever it can, and giving ashes armor 2.

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I can't believe in all of my time playing Nico, I never really thought to try Ashes and Dust. Giving it 2 extra Cb and Df is nice. I also like the idea that if all goes to crap with the SPA, you can just summon more "Nico models" (by that I mean punks and actual resser models).

So basically run a Levi army with Nico at the helm instead.

I just see this as a "Just because you can, doesn't mean you'd want to" moments. My friend is quite fond of it, it leads to new ways to play the game but it's...instilling a bit of stir-craziness, I suppose.

I'll have to try it though, it's better than my all dog army though.

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