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New Mcmourning player


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So I'm getting ready to buy Mcmournings box (I might not be but because my friend might sell me a nurse for dirt cheap but I'll still get the other box models) so I know I need 4 dogs and the chihauhau... and maybe another flesh construct??

I have my convict gunslinger who I'm gonna play with him a lot probably but is there anything else I should pick up?? Because I was kinda thinking about maybe getting some Necropunks

any other imput would be awesome (I've seen Bete in play and i've been pretty underwelmed by her cost to output...)

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My views on Bete have been the same, she pales in comparison to what can be used, now in my eyes Douglas is best in crews with lots of dirt cheap models, Necropunks, Dogs, and things of the like, i find myself killing off dogs with dissection to create flesh constructs and rogue necromancy all day. in conclustion i would do exactly as you planned, punks, dogs, chuahua, and one addition, rotten belles, they are great with the good doc, for drawing people in for doug's, melee.

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Welcome Brother.

If you want to have a gander at what you might like to include, step over to the McMourning Tactica, it's a work in progress but I am told it's quite useful. If you already have a McMourning box set I would recommend the following

4 Dogs (minimum. I say this because you will probably want to field 4. You won't need more then 6 but Sebastian can summon more and sometimes I do field 5)

Zombie Chihuahua (Indispensable, but likely about to receive a cuddle based on the version 2 cards. Grave Spirit might be a wise investment, just a thought)

Flesh Construct (You definably want another one)

So you're pretty spot on.

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I've never used his totem because I'm never really in need of body parts that bad. Between him, Sebs, and the dogs ability to give me the corpse counters, I've always had between 3 and 10 spare.

You may also want to try some punk zombies, they are absolutely amazing at killing things...which McM excels at.

Also, the Grave Spirit is a lot more useful than it first seems. I like to pair him with one of the Flesh Constructs. This makes them nigh invulnerable. The other cool thing about it is that it's only 1 point, so if I have one left to spend on something, I like to take it.

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