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The Philosophy of Uncertainty


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Just wanted to get peoples opinions on weather or not Molly should be able to one shot a master with her totem using The philosophy of Uncertainty.

I personally do not think the spell should be able to target a master. If the outcome was always that Molly would die in order for the spell to happen I would not have an issue with it, but since you can have her totem cast the spell and get sacked instead it seems a little over the top to me.

Let me know what you think.

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Its not completely unfair, her totem only has a cast of four, so unless they burn a Red Joker and are really luck with the SS flip.

Aside from that, Molly feels really worthless, especially when running with Seamus.

I just played my second game with her, ever, and she felt really worthless.

In fact, my only goal was to use The Philosophy of the Uncertain to kill Lilith, which I failed to do, because of her low Mobility.

She does add an extra 2 Wk for the first walk of their activation, but other than that, eh.

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Its not completely unfair, her totem only has a cast of four, so unless they burn a Red Joker and are really luck with the SS flip.

Aside from that, Molly feels really worthless, especially when running with Seamus.

I just played my second game with her, ever, and she felt really worthless.

In fact, my only goal was to use The Philosophy of the Uncertain to kill Lilith, which I failed to do, because of her low Mobility.

She does add an extra 2 Wk for the first walk of their activation, but other than that, eh.

That's actually I thought she'd be doing. Buffing all the belles and making them quicker. Now I've never played with a Red Chapel crew before, so I have no idea if that's something they need or want but that right there was one of her draws. Also, the whole forbidden knowledge thing (isn't that the one that acts like black blood?) is pretty sweet with the fairly resilient undead.

I just like the idea of a cute girl running around with a tyrant spirit's relic item and a dude's severed head.


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My take on The Philosophy is that it's likely a one shot weapon that you use when you know for certain the Molly is going to die horribly. Might as well take a hopefully valuable target down and die on your own terms neh?

I'm pretty sure that Molly is a far better buffer than she is kamikaze anyway. Allowing your belles to go even faster.

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