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zoraida crew suggestions


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hi guys, im geting into zoraider, partly to pair up with pandora in a brawl and partly to pair up with, and partly cus i just like her. i have two list idea's, bothe for 35 ss, and i was wondering what you guys think of them, im looking for a allcomers list, just something to learn her with, the two lists i have are


2 insidous madness

2 stiched together

3 slurids

2 ss cach



desperat merc

mature neph

3 slurids

2ss cach

i have slurids in bothe, because i have been told they are amazing, but im not sure. my douts are the lack of a hard hitter to obey in the first list, and the suicidal nature of the second list, but i also like these quircks. pleas give feedback

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Well first get her totem, which is a summoned model, and consider proxing some Wicked Dolls. Zoraida can run with most models due to her Stand Alone nature. Though models that are Immune to Influence are not good to have in her crew.

Insidious Madness (IM) will help her cast Obey but is relatively squishy despite Psychosis and would need to be in the Stitched Together's (ST) Creepy Fog to survive long against ranged attacks. But if the IM casts Psychopathic Episode while the ST are near the ST losses a lot of their usefulness. So be careful.

Those two look like a good combo if you can pull off the activation sequence right. Z and her V Doll Obeying the ST to Gamble Your Life is very nasty indeed if the IM was able to Psychopathic Episode the right models. And the wicked Dolls can heal the ST and you are summoning one every turn after the first turn.

Come to think of it I like this combo.

I would suggest dropping the Silurids and get three Wicked Dolls to start with. That will put you at 8ss cache and give you the tactical option to sit back and obey your opponents models to you for a slaughter house that they can not fight back in.

Also this crew would run great in a Brawl with Pandora and her Kids.

I am not sure of the second list due to it's One Trick Pony nature.

I am assuming English is also your second language so I am making and educated guess this is what you are posting.

Edited by Murphy'sLawyer
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no its my first i just have dislexyia, and im used to txting, sorry. i like what your saying with the madness's, i was also tempted by alps because of the -1 wp, a madness and an alp tagteam gives -1wp and a -flip on wp, for 15 ss i can get 1 of each (wicked doll, insidius madness, stiched together and an alp) or for 30 ss i can get 2 of each, would they work better as a hoard, two kill teams or a diffirent combination of models for 35ss. do you keep zoraider on the back line, or do you fly her up to get close to the action

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lol, with a crew like that what is your plan, just to alph strike with the silurids. and what do you do with the wicked dolls, they seem like awsome support guys, but really a whole force of them

Alpha strike? 'course not, you know how squishy silurids are. If I had to alpha strike, it'd be with the wicked dolls and their 20" flight range.

My zoraida crews aren't mean for combat--She doesn't seem like the master, either thematically or rule-wise, to go straight combat. So I grab the victory points and generally piss my opponents off.

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Keep Zoraida in the backfield casting from afar with her Voodoo Doll.

That's not always a good idea, actually, since it tends to limit her ability to support her crew.

Ideally you want her close to the enemy but still behind your front lines or in a hard-to reach position (eg. on the roof of a building). That way she can cast spells through the voodoo doll, but she can also freely obey your own models and bewitch theirs as needed.

Silurids are hit & run minions. Keep them in cover or out of sight, before either leap-charging an isolated model or charging a model, then using survival instinct and leap to get back to safety.

Regading your crews, the first thing I'd suggest is not to worry about having SS left over. Zoraida is one of the few masters who don't need soulstones all that much to survive or perform her job well.

Personally, I think I'd prefer to take just one insidious madness. Two seems overkill and you could swap the second out of your list for a 6SS minion like a Young Nephilim or Waldgeist.

I've never tried the nurse trick, but I'd really like to some time. If you can fit him in, Papa loco would make an awesome match for the Nurse, since he can shrug off the sacrifice effects from the nurses drugs at the end of his activation.

Desperate Mercs shouldn't be too bad either - maybe take two so that the nurse has more than one thing to supercharge during the game. ;)

This should give you some more pointers;


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thanx guys, and nice incite rathnard. im a big fan of collodi, so im very tempted by




4 mairrionets

2 stiched

3 wicked doll's

0ss cach

i can use collodi and the marrionets to kill stuff quickly, with there mobility i could also do objectives without much trouble, the wicked dolls can teleport between zoraider and collodi to buff wear nesacery and kill things to make more, also with the healing provided by the wickeds and collodi, and hex i can easaly re use sticheds as hammers, gamble you life away twice, gain reactivate do it twice more obay twice (zoraider and doll), maybe be given fast if near collodi for another 1 or 2, then hex away the power that lets him reactivate so he dosnt sac. heal him with collodi and the wickeds and then fill him with stones for armor 2 and hard to kill, meaning he could do another 3 gambles befor he dies for good.

very convoluted and he can't be filled with stones untill the turn after, but 8 gambles in 1 turn, you can kill almost a hole crew.

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thanx guys, and nice incite rathnard. im a big fan of collodi, so im very tempted by




4 mairrionets

2 stiched

3 wicked doll's

0ss cach

You should be very tempted here. Exactly how it is I will run it is still up in the air for me, but this list just looks good. If you get a chance to proxy this list post your thoughts please. I am busy flushing out my Ophelia crew but have Zoraida and her dolls on the my list to work on next.
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I too am tempted by the Doll Special forces. I've always been a big fan of Zoraida, but I've been kind of miffed that she didn't really jibe with many of the first set's NB models. Thankfully Rising Powers fixed that. (Sorta) I'm looking forward to running Collodi and stitched togethers.

I only got the opportunity to look at the new book for a few minutes at a friend's house. I've found that Collodi, and his friends would be excellent at tarpitting enemies due to their tangled in strings trigger.

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