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Lady J vs Ortegas 27 SS


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Had a good game of Malifaux last night

Ortega's - Assassinate

Lady Justice - Slaughter

No schemes, other player is on game 2 so we kept it pretty basic

We went with 27 SS so he could bring all the Ortega's and have some stones

First turns were move up and get ready to fight

On turn 3 I was all setup to blow papa loco up and damage 3 of the family along with him.

I missed

He ran up to one of the death marshals

The other DM shot him and discovered 2 things

1. he was within 3"

2. he took 5 damage, straight

SO loco blew up and took 5 wounds off 3 marshalls. OUCH

By the end of the turn Perdita had killed 2 of the wounded DM's, Santiago popped out and one shotted the unwounded DM and Ninio took out the judge.

I'm sitting with Lady J and a DM on one wound versus the ortega's, less papa loco, with no wounds on any of them.

UHM...... <insert bad word>

Turn 3 final action the lady runs over and lops the head off Nino. Revenge is NICE.

Turn 4 I grab initiative.

Lady J charges and sits between Perdita and Santiago. One strike takes Perdita to 3 wounds the 2nd kills her.

Santiago and Francisco are now the last of the clan and manage to knock 2 wounds off the Lady to bring her to 10 wounds. Also burning up the remains of my soul stone cache

Turn 5

I get initiative, Santiago gets a bad case of dead. Francisco takes a bullet and my lack of good cards in my hand means he lives with 3 wounds remaining.

The last DM is plinking away with his gun and doing nothing but Slaughter is looking like an achievable end game.

Then Francisco gets a bullet into the Lady and cheats the red joker..... Suddenly she's on one wound and it's down to the initiative flip

Turn 6

Flip initiative was cheated and re-flipped and cheated and reflipped and.... I lost.

Francisco downs the Lady and spoils the DM's aim. Obviously the victory celebration dance was hard to predict

Turn 7

I can still pull it off. If the DM can hit the broad side of a barn. He's missed every shot of the game so far..........

I get initiative

I shoot - miss

I shoot AGAIN - and miss

Francisco puts a bullet in the DM's head.

Last gasp with Slow to die, I shoot back........ and you guessed it miss

Fun game that came down to the wire. Out of 2 crews there was one wounded guy left on the board.

Forgot the + Cb from Lady J killing stuff. That might have got a shot in from the last DM

Forgot the Lady melee was 2". 2 of Francisco's shots should have been randomised between the lady and Santiago, might have saved a soulstone or wounds for later use.

Opponent never used family companion or obey which would have hurt me even more

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I think it's interesting that you would have won had the game ended on turn 6. It's happened to me before when I lost the fighting but was still able to manuever in for objectives... feels pretty good until that 10+ gets flipped. (I was going to put a happy face here, but the random smilies on this site aren't giving it to me and I don't feel like opening up the full list. So to fill the void, here's Huan the Magnificent! :juggle:

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Thanks g's

It was a very fun nailbiter of a game with a fair few swings in the advantage.

I'd read the papa loco blow himself up option and thought that it was a smaller version of that when he got killed or I'd have gone for boxing the looney and having the fun of dumping him out in the middle of the ortega's and trying to blow him up with that.

I game the Marshal a little leeway for this game

1. It's tough to aim straight when "you been blowed up"

2. The model had fresh paint.

In fact except for the lady J all the crew had varying amounts of fresh paint. Probably explains why she was the only one who was able to do anything useful for the game.

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